[PeDAGoG] Exploring the possibility of spontaneous and autonomous drawing to bridge the gap between the three-dimensional world and the two-dimensional world the screens bring.

Jinan K B jinankb at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 12:26:33 CET 2021


I have uploaded a paper at Academia to explore the cognitive potential
of spontaneous drawing in early childhood as a discussion paper.
Please give feedback


Exploring the possibility of spontaneous and autonomous drawing to
bridge the gap between the three-dimensional world and the
two-dimensional world the screens bring.


Two-dimensional experience is very new to human beings which became
part of the general lifestyle only much after the invention of the
printing press. One could say only by eighteenth-century literacy
occupied the cultural space in Europe. In most of the non-western
countries even now, half of the population would still belong to the
oral cultural sensibility.

The manner in which literacy is being introduced clearly alienates
people from the real world and is creating an uprooted way of

>From raw food to cooked food was the first major change that took
place in the biological nature of human beings. It totally impacted
the digestive system in a very deep manner and also impacted total
change in behavior and the whole social life changed due to this.
The second event that totally changed our biology was our shift from
orality to literacy which took place on a large scale after the
invention of the printing press. Till then writing was like small
craft activity which only a few skilled people could do, who scribed
letters into various mediums. It was just like any other craft skill.

What cooked food did to the digestive system, literacy did to our
cognitive system. It totally changed the cognitive source, cognitive
tools, cognitive process, and cognitive foundation or the structure.
It completely changed the realm of understanding. The
two-dimensionality that literacy brings in, in fact, has created a
virtual cognitive realm and many of our experiences are now not only
two-dimensional but also vertical.

http://kbjinan.in/ <http://jinankb.in/>

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