[PeDAGoG] TOMORROW! Reactivating PeDAGoG - Online Discussion on 6th June, 2 PM GMT

Ashish Kothari ashishkothari at riseup.net
Sat Jun 5 14:16:38 CEST 2021

Dear friends, a gentle reminder about tomorrow's meeting, see agenda in 
Upamanyu's mail below. We hope you can all join (except some who have 
said the time is not suitable for them, sorry about that).

See you tomorrow, 2 pm GMT! (link below)

Do people need translation (e.g. Eng to Spanish)? If so, pl. let us 
know, we can set up the interpretation room, and will ahve to request 
for volunteers to do the translation!


Topic: Reactivating PeDAGoG
Time: Jun 6, 2021 02:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time
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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [PeDAGoG] Reactivating PeDAGoG - Online Discussion on 6th 
June, 2 PM GMT
Date: 	Wed, 2 Jun 2021 16:28:08 +0530
From: 	Upamanyu Das <upamanyu.das5 at gmail.com>
Reply-To: 	PeDAGoG: Post-Development Academic-Activist Global Group 
<gta-pedagog at lists.ourproject.org>
To: 	gta-pedagog at lists.ourproject.org

Dear PeDAGoG colleagues,

For the upcoming online meeting on 6th June 2 PM GMT, we 
have crowd-sourced ideas for specific themes that we can work on. This 
will be done using moderated breakout rooms that can have a sharp focus 
on getting the group to think of short term deliverables. A few PeDAGoG 
colleagues have volunteered to help moderate these sessions! :)

Please do go through the thematic points, and let us know if there are 
any additional points you would like to add. Depending on the overall 
turnout, we can divide/club together certain themes.

Here are themes that we can work upon in this meeting:

1. *Pedagogic and knowledge sharing to build and strengthen the 
repository of materials

This is a broad theme and I can be subdivided into (say) :
1 a) Dynamic and updated *reading list* on key aspects to be created and 
maintained on a server.
1 b) Curating and maintaining a *database of existing course 
documents* related to PeDaGoG teaching- in and outside of university 
teaching (even visually on a world map to see where all are we 
teaching/researching/etc in varied ways would be exciting!)
1 c) Building a *repository of classroom resources* apart from academic 
readings such as films/ songs/ poetry/ visuals

2. *Research collaborations* including action research

3. *Co-organization of events* (webinar series, online lectures, 
conference, etc.)

4. *Advocacy for PeDaGoG*: Exploring the social media platform / writing 
a news piece about the diverse actors here (drumming some excitement 
about this group)

ideally should be our first focused output in a very short time. We need 
to set up a  statement that new members can refer to)

See you all there!

On Thu, 27 May 2021 at 10:43, Ashish Kothari <ashishkothari at riseup.net 
<mailto:ashishkothari at riseup.net>> wrote:

    V. good idea. I am marking also Julia and Angging, the others to
    respond to the earlier mail, in csae they have ideas for themes. We
    could also look at the minutes of the previous meeting, where some
    follow up actions were decdied on, if we want to pick any of them up
    again ... I am copying Julia's notes from that meeting below. Also
    adding Vasna here who was helping coordinate that meeting.

    One immediate task is to reconstruct the repository of
    courses/materials/approaches that several members had contributed,
    and which we lost due to a fire in the server building that hosts
    the GTA website ... I am copying in Franco to ask if we were able to
    recover that. Else, we can rebuild it.

    Pallavi, can you make a proposal for these thematic groups that we
    can send out on the list in advance?



    (mail from Julia, 8 July 2020)

    Dear friends, Many thanks to all who could make it and join. It was
    a joy getting to know you more directly and starting to draft
    collaborative action!

    To keep everyone in the loop, we are sharing the discussion results.
    Please everyone - also and especially if you couldn’t be in the
    session - be invited to add your thoughts and ideas and build on it
    collectively. https://board.net/p/PeDAGoG_Networking
    One important outcome of conversations is, that it would be fruitful
    to gather round in “working groups” around different topics and
    actions. We have started collecting some, but obviously the list is
    non-conclusive and can continuously be elaborated. Everyone is
    invited to add their names to the list of volunteers!

    _Three points on interaction we would like to highlight in particular:_

     1. People are welcome to invite others within their networks to
        join PEDAGOG - and maybe include a link for the mail address to
     2. If people would prefer to remain anonymous on the public spaces,
        they can email Brandon to express their interest in particular
        groups and he can connect them.
     3. The lesson from today is that everyone is welcome to initiate an
        activity, a meeting or a discussion in the network so please
        feel free to go ahead and suggest things!

    _Some immediate points on the next steps: _


      * Organising the communication and sharing in the PEDAGOG space so
        that material is accessible and not overwhelming the list
      * social-media presence?
      * Series of events where we share the approaches we are taking -
        webinar series from PEDAGOG?
      * Think about what gaps (geographical, thematic) exist and could
        be filled (e.g., currently lack of members from Africa)?
      * Creating a map of our expertise -  create a visual tool with
        themes that concern this group - overlapping circles?
      * Can some of us find institutional backing, funds?


    Potential to develop sub-groups on the following as a start:

      * Feminism and political ecology
      * Teaching exchange through zoom co-teaching
      * Collaborative journal article writing
      * Collaboration on Masters education and exchange and summer schools
      * Youth activist-research outside of mainstream academic structures


      * Ethics and values of PeDAGoG

    We need a statement on these for the kinds of transformations we
    want in society, the kind of academics/learning/teaching we feel is
    'right', and the ethics for our own internal functioning of PeDAGoG
    as a network

      * Suggestion: Small group of volunteers to start a draft

    Three levels that might be important:
    1. Ethics of the transformations we want in society - direction of
    the transformaiton
    2. Ethics of our own teaching and learning spaces
    3. Ethics of the PEDAGOG network itself - open, inclusive,
    Keep in touch!
    Solidarity,  Vasna, Brandon, Ashish, Julia

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