[PeDAGoG] Degrowth limericks ... and beyond
rachaelalphonso at gmail.com
Sat Nov 21 16:44:47 CET 2020
Hi.... pardon me for going back to the limericks, but they are really good!
Thanks Christine and Alex.
I've made the texts into JPEGs because I believe these quick, short
messages are effective in creating awareness. So, if Alex and Christine
don't mind, we could share these JPEGs via social media - WhatsApp
status, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
See attached.
On Tue, 17 Nov 2020, 11:59 am Ashish Kothari, <ashishkothari at riseup.net>
> Friends,
> I'm all agog
> At the poetic skills in PeDAGoG
> Members inspiring their peers
> To throw more verbal spears
> At the evil growth demagogue!
> Ok, folks, beyond this clearly v. enjoyable exchange, can we pl. get back
> to some of the actions we had decided on at our last collective call, which
> seems like it was many moons back? It would be nice to have some activities
> of this network, beyond the occasional email exchange.
> I've requested Brandon to initiate some conversation on this ... thanks,
> ashish
> NOW FREE DOWNLOAD! ÔPluriverse: A Post-Development DictionaryÕ (https://radicalecologicaldemocracy.org/pluriverse)
> Ashish Kothari
> Kalpavriksh
> Apt 5 Shree Datta Krupa
> 908 Deccan Gymkhana
> Pune 411004, India
> Tel: 91-20-25654239; 91-20-25675450https://kalpavriksh.orghttp://vikalpsangam.orgwww.radicalecologicaldemocracy.orgwww.globaltapestryofalternatives.org https://ashishkothari51.blogspot.com
> Twitter: @chikikothari
> LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ashishkothari1961
> Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashishkotharivikalp/
> On 17/11/20 12:27 am, Alex Jensen wrote:
> Thanks Christine,
> I love those limericks! Here's my attempt:
> "there once was a system that grew,
> that didn't know what else to do.
> it grew just for growing,
> it grew without slowing
> till the de-growthers shouted "you're through!"
> best,
> Alex
> On 11/15/2020 11:24 PM, Christine Dann wrote:
> Kia ora tatou
> I don't do social media, but I love the "limerick challenge" idea, so
> below are three I just came up with. But given that not all panelists have
> English as a first language, may we expect multilingual limericks? Or is
> there a handicap system?
> Enjoy!
> Christine
> A bear who needed more snow
> Said: "You humans will have to degrow.
> A whole lot more ice
> Would also be nice.
> Degrowth saves the climate, you know."
> An economist banking on growth
> Uttered a terrible oath
> When he found that more money
> Meant no bees or honey
> But degrowth would conserve them both.
> "How enlightened it is to degrow,
> To rest and relax and go slow".
> The economy said
> Shaking its head
> At all of the School of Chicago.
> On 16/11/20 9:54 am, Paulson,Susan wrote:
> Join a live debate with authors and editors of major Degrowth works
> published in 2020.
> Sign in Monday 16 November at 1pm EST/ 1900hrs CET:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RJsW3pspCE
> Three books in dialogue:
> Giorgos Kallis, Susan Paulson, Giacomo D'Alisa, Federico Demaria, 2020. *The
> Case for Degrowth.* Polity Press, 140 pages:
> https://www.wiley.com/en-gb/The+Case+...
> <https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0p1ZTJQZUpDRmhHaW02ZlVuU1hLeUFxTzVMZ3xBQ3Jtc0trSC1HM2pXbzdENWhUekJFaFd0a0E2dW9ObFhPVkMwYlVEZk9UUXZ3d25tMWtERVc0cGZsMWp2ZkstZnkySjlFWl96ZndBUlExcS1pTGdsTHZnWGxzTGFOc09UX0pmS3hRWmFXX0tydVF1NkJQRGgtYw%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wiley.com%2Fen-gb%2FThe%2BCase%2Bfor%2BDegrowth-p-9781509535637&v=9RJsW3pspCE&event=video_description>
> "The relentless pursuit of economic growth is the defining characteristic
> of contemporary societies. Yet it benefits few and demands monstrous social
> and ecological sacrifice. Is there a viable alternative? How can we halt
> the endless quest to grow global production and consumption and instead
> secure socio-ecological conditions that support lives worth living for all?
> In this compelling book, leading experts Giorgos Kallis, Susan Paulson,
> Giacomo D’Alisa and Federico Demaria make the case for degrowth - living
> well with less, by living differently, prioritizing wellbeing, equity and
> sustainability. Drawing on emerging initiatives and enduring traditions
> around the world, they advance a radical degrowth vision and outline
> policies to shape work and care, income and investment that avoid
> exploitative and unsustainable practices. Degrowth, they argue, can be
> achieved through transformative strategies that allow societies to slow
> down by design, not disaster. Essential reading for all concerned citizens,
> policy-makers, and students, this book will be an important contribution to
> one of the thorniest and most pressing debates of our era." This debate is
> for anyone interested in the latest ideas and developments within the
> Degrowth movement, and those who are completely new to it. There will be a
> chance for you to get involved with other viewers in the YouTube chat, as
> well as ask questions to the authors.
> Corinna Burkhart, Matthias Schmelzer, Nina Treu (eds.) 2020. *Degrowth in
> Movement(s): A dictionary of social movements and alternatives for a future
> beyond economic growth, capitalism, and domination.* Zero Books, 360
> pages: https://www.johnhuntpublishing.com/ze...
> <https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbi11MkNfTEl2M3VBenNVdkVKWUl2LUl6ODA3d3xBQ3Jtc0ttdkdEbzNQNDlhbUcwak9EYzJXeGlfeUQ3Uy1zOUR2Y3F5Si1GN050azVCVFBtRFIyM0gzTS1vNHRBd0g5bi01cGRBMTlQeXVyd0pUVHhWNm01ekk0d3J6TTgyTDlEeHBWYV9HeXpKbWU5M3A5SkQ5NA%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.johnhuntpublishing.com%2Fzer0-books%2Four-books%2Fdegrowth-movements&v=9RJsW3pspCE&event=video_description>
> "Degrowth is an emerging social movement that overlaps with proposals for
> systemic change such as anti-globalization and climate justice, commons and
> transition towns, basic income and Buen Vivir. Degrowth in Movement(s)
> reflects on the current situation of social movements aiming at overcoming
> capitalism, industrialism and domination. The essays ask: What is the key
> idea of the respective movement? Who is active? What is the relation with
> the degrowth movement? What can the degrowth movement learn from these
> other movements and the other way around? Which common proposals, but also
> which contradictions, oppositions and tensions exist? And what alliances
> could be possible for broader systemic transformations?"
> Vincent Liegey, Anitra Nelson, 2020. *Exploring Degrowth: A Critical
> Guide.* Pluto Press, 224 pages: https://www.plutobooks.com/9780745342...
> <https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHd0QW5XQ19wRFN5X0JwbkpkTlRNYUNCTnpkZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuNUFjc0dQeloyd2NrWnBFSEtFUFdnTjR6LWZZa1BENlhuQ0R2Tk04UERZV1RhZWpvTjU2VnB3TG5iNW1YWUpMNk11Q2lfNC1OeEdLNl84UDNucFp6OHJFNkN3VTQxMS1EaC16QkpwTWZUekJ4LU1CNA%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.plutobooks.com%2F9780745342023%2Fexploring-degrowth%2F&v=9RJsW3pspCE&event=video_description>
> "A sense of urgency pervades global environmentalism, and the degrowth
> movement is bursting into the mainstream. As climate catastrophe looms
> closer, people are eager to learn what degrowth is about, and whether we
> can save the planet by changing how we live. This book is an introduction
> to the movement. As politicians and corporations obsess over growth
> objectives, the degrowth movement demands that we must slow down the
> economy by transforming our economies, our politics and our cultures to
> live within the Earth's limits. This book navigates the practice and
> strategies of the movement, looking at its strengths and weaknesses.
> Covering horizontal democracy, local economies and the reduction of work,
> it shows us why degrowth is a compelling and realistic project."
> Panelists have been challenged to create a Limerick, and we invite the
> audience to put on their artistic hats and write their own degrowth-related
> limericks, which can be shared in the chat during the debate or via private
> message/tagging us on social media. The viewers can then vote for their
> favourite Limerick, and the "Audience favourite" will be announced at the
> end of the debate! Follow us on socials: Facebook:
> https://www.facebook.com/DegrowthTalks/
> <https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkVBZGZvVkhiaUtBMTZNbm91YWdxd0Nxa2ptd3xBQ3Jtc0trQnJYYXh6ZE1kTnVPVlpxREQ5LXBHeEtQOEhHQ0tWVEFSNzJ5NFFrZnozd1R3QWdpN2tsdmVhQ2hMTUtmOG5taVVWNzNOTFVabENqNzZwV3d4WGpIeFRZVjltc01IRzZJNmh5T1N6emoyZXRxZExxQQ%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FDegrowthTalks%2F&v=9RJsW3pspCE&event=video_description>
> Twitter: https://twitter.com/degrowthtalks
> <https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0dHTnJwc0Z5YkhFUXVHNTlkZ0pjd2ZSZ0xtUXxBQ3Jtc0ttR0c5YU91UThIR0EtcG9BQTlLc1lsOXRUdjAxenRTZ1ZxcGRIT21yX0dnMlZUYmVGMkw2WUNCUld3YUo5M0htZnpQN0h6VnpvUHZEWlFmX1gwcGFSLVVDd1ZFQTBGaWY1TzA0b3dCc0FyYWNrandDcw%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fdegrowthtalks&v=9RJsW3pspCE&event=video_description>
> Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/degrowthtalks/
> <https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkpWY1k3UEF6aVVLaG9xZVlQRlBySVMtMmRJUXxBQ3Jtc0ttU3FWTHQtZGVrdl84R3JhWHJZZXRiZG9hREpsRzBUSHdmTnRuSkt5Q25BUHIyb0lsR3lMZEg5Rko3NlhRRXRXekR2eW5uRHZoLVlRVGlQMVhRckhDWXRSS2puWXRjY2JjVHdTdlpmajBkeWRwSEJ4SQ%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fdegrowthtalks%2F&v=9RJsW3pspCE&event=video_description>
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