[PeDAGoG] Fwd: 15th July (13.30 GMT/UTC) | Webinar #7: "Covid 19 - Proposals from the May First Movement Technology" / Covid 19 - Propuestas de la Tecnología del Movimiento Primero de Mayo

Ashish Kothari ashishkothari at riseup.net
Wed Jul 8 18:59:20 CEST 2020

Friends, this webinar on the democratic, movement-led use of 
technologies for transformation and struggle, would be of interest. 
Speakers from USA and Mexico. English-Spanish translation will be 

Amigos, este seminario web sobre el uso democrático y dirigido por el 
movimiento de las tecnologías para la transformación y la lucha, sería 
de interés. Oradores de EE.UU. y México. Habrá disponible una traducción 


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Ashish Kothari
Apt 5 Shree Datta Krupa
908 Deccan Gymkhana
Pune 411004, India
Tel: 91-20-25654239; 91-20-25675450
Twitter: @chikikothari

/Global Tapestry of Alternatives/ and /Global Dialogue for Systemic 
Change /present:
*Dialogue on Alternatives in the Time of Global Crises - a Webinar series*

  Dialogue 7: Covid 19 - Proposals from the May First Movement Technology

with *Melanie Bush*/(USA)/, *Alfredo Lopez*/(USA)/, *Jerome 
Scott*/(USA)/ and *Samantha Camacho*/(Mexico)/


*Friday 15th July - 13:30 GMT/UTC*

    In this seventh session, we will carry on a collective dialogue
    about May First Movement Technology, a non-profit organization that
    engages in building movements by advancing the strategic use and
    collective control of technology for local struggles, global
    transformation, and emancipation without borders.

Information and registration 

Direct access to the session 


        Melanie Bush

Professor of Sociology, Adelphi University; Research Fellow, University 
of South Africa. Publications include: Tensions in the American Dream: 
Rhetoric, Reverie or Reality (with Roderick D. Bush), Everyday Forms of 
Whiteness: Understanding Race in a “Post-Racial” World, and lead editor 
of Rod Bush: Lessons from a Radical Black Scholar on Liberation Love and 
Justice. She is co-chair of the Board of May First Movement Technology, 
a movement building organization focused on the role of technology in 
social transformation. As such Melanie locates home in the struggle for 
a just and loving world.

        Alfredo Lopez

Founder of May First Movement Technology, the largest political 
progressive Internet membership organization in this country, where he 
coordinates the organization's work in campaigns, networks and 
coalitions. During his half-century of movement activism, he has been a 
leader in the Puerto Rican Independence, labor and anti-war movements; 
organizer of several major national demonstrations and scores of smaller 
ones; editor of two publications (Claridad and Sevendays Magazine); 
radio and television producer (and host); college teacher; and author of 
six published books and hundreds of published articles. His most recent 
book is “Goodies from the Yum Yum Tree: the Internet and Revolution in 
the Final Days of Capitalism”. He lives in Brooklyn, New York with his 
spouse: the writer, teacher and organizer Maritza Arrastía. They have 
two sons and a grand-daughter.

        Jerome Scott

A former auto worker, labor organizer in the auto plants of Detroit in 
the 1960s-70s, and member of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers, 
was the founding director of Project South: Institute for the 
Elimination of Poverty & Genocide. He serves on the board of the General 
Baker Institute, the National Planning Committee of the United States 
Social Forum, co-chair of the Board of May First Movement technology, 
and is active in social justice movement organizations, including the 
League of Revolutionaries for a New America. He is author and co-author 
of numerous chapters and articles on the global capitalist crisis, race, 
class, and gender, the revolutionary process, and transformative social 
movements toward socialism.

        Samantha Camacho

Tiene una licenciatura en biología por la Universidad Autónoma 
Metropolitana y estudios de posgrado en Geografía por la Universidad 
Nacional Autónoma de México. Samantha es especialista en análisis 
espacial, gestión de bases de datos geográficos, cartografía digital y 
cartografía comunitaria. Ella formo parte de la asamblea del Hackerspace 
Rancho Electrónico en la CDMX, involucrándose en diferentes proyectos de 
cartografía y visualización de datos y, en temas relacionados a la 
privacidad y la protección de datos personales, esto último con el grupo 
de Autodefensa Digital Feminista, ambos espacios fueron creados con el 
objetivo de facilitar la investigación y la experimentación con 
herramientas de software libre. Actualmente es Investigadora-Cartógrafa 


Our past webinar sessions videos are available in this link 

Global Tapestry of Alternatives <https://globaltapestryofalternatives.org>

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