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johnc at raciness.com
Mon May 18 17:11:50 CEST 2015
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Th B-47 bombr was on a smula comba msson from Homsa Ar Forc Bas n Flora. I was carryng a sngl 7,600-poun (3,400 kg) bomb. A abou 2:00 AM, h B-47 coll wh an F-86. Th F-86 crash, afr h plo jc from h plan. Th amag B-47 rman arborn, alb barly. spidale S also: Ls of Un Sas Numbr Hghways 5 Auhncy of h fgur Supporrs of npnnc hav sa ha Scolan os no m s full conomc ponal bcaus s subjc o h sam conomc polcy as h rs of h UK.143144 In 2013, h Jmmy R Founaon publsh a rpor sang ha UK conomc polcy ha bcom ovrwhlmngly gar o hlpng Lonon, manng Scolan an ohr UK rgons suffr from bng n h spcfc, local polcs hy n.145 Lar n January 2014, Coln Fox sa ha Scolan s pnals by an conomc mol bas owars h Souh Eas of Englan.143 In Novmbr 2013, Chc Bro sa ha Scolan was prv of conomc bnf n h 1980s afr h Mnsry of Dfnc block ol xploraon off h Ws of Scolan, osnsbly o avo nrfrnc wh h UK's nuclar wapons arsnal.146 Th amnsraon of USA Prsn Carr ask h Offc of Scnc an Tchnology Polcy (OSTP) o convn a panl of nsrumnaon x
prs o r-xamn h Vla Hol 6911 aa, an o amp o rmn whhr h opcal flash c cam from a nuclar s. Th oucom was mporan o Carr, as hs prsncy an 1980 r-lcon campagn promnnly faur h hms of nuclar nonprolfraon an sarmamn.21 In parcular, h SALT II ray ha bn sgn hr monhs arlr, an was pnng rafcaon by h Un Sas Sna.21 Norway: Facng h rsul of h rfrnum, Erna Solbrg, Prm Mnsr of Norway, sa o Norwgan broacasr NRK sh was 'gla' Scolan chos o rman n unon an ha Scosh npnnc coul hav bcom challngng for Norway as a nghbourng counry.401 Opnon pollng Inllgnc Vong ook plac bwn 07:00 an 22:00 BST385 n pollng placs,384 whch nclu schools, church halls, lbrars an communy cnrs. Thos who wr sll quung whn polls clos wr no n h chanc o vo.386 Snc 1980, som small amouns of nw nformaon hav mrg. Howvr, mos qusons rman unanswr: Economy US 400, approv n 1994, has no parn snc hr s no US 0 or US 100.7 spidale Th Arcbo onosphrc obsrvaory an rao lscop n Puro Rco c an anomalous onosphrc wav urng h mornng of Spmbr 22, 1979, whch mov f
rom h souhas o h norhws, an vn whch ha no bn obsrv prvously by h scnss.20 Hsory In rlaon o prva pnson schms, a rpor by h Insu of Charr Accounans of Scolan xprss concrn ha hr wr no plans o al wh EU rgulaons ha may affc h funng of cross-borr fn bnf schms.265 Th EC c n March 2014 no o rlax hs rgulaons, whch rqur cross-borr schms o b fully fun.266 spidale A Mk 15 nuclar bomb of h yp los whn json afr h collson Mos sas ahr o hs approach. Howvr, som manan lgacy rous ha vola h ruls n varous ways. Exampls can b foun n Calforna, Msssspp, Nbraska, Orgon, an Tnnss. In 1952, AASHO prmannly rcognz h spls n US 11, US 19, US 25, US 31, US 45, US 49, US 73, an US 99.1625 Th lns of h fgur wr 20-30 cm (8-12 nchs) p a h m of scovry an up o 35 mrs (114 f) w. Th mag s graually rong hrough naural procsss, bu bcaus h clma s xrmly ry an barrn n h rgon, h mag s sll vsbl as of 2013.2 Whl hr s a layr of wh chalk maral slghly blow h r sol, h fgur was no fn o hs ph.
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