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<span style="display:none;">        8 Exrnal lnks ginga-argentina In January 2014, a yar-long acamc suy by rsarchrs a h Unvrsy of h Ws of Scolan foun ha covrag by boh h BBC an h Scosh commrcal channl STV ha bn favourng h No campagn.365366367 In March, BBC Scolan chfs appar bfor a Scosh Parlamn comm o fac qusons from MSPs abou h broacasr's covrag. BBC Scolan Ha, Kn McQuarr, rjc h suy's conclusons.368 Th oubl flash was c on Spmbr 22, 1979, a 00:53 GMT, by h Amrcan Vla sall 6911, whch carr varous snsors sgn spcfcally o c nuclar xplosons ha conravn h Paral Nuclar Ts Ban Tray. In aon o bng abl o c gamma rays, X-rays, an nurons, h sall also conan wo slcon sol-sa bhangmr snsors ha coul c h ual lgh flashs assoca wh an amosphrc nuclar xploson: h nal brf, nns flash, follow by a scon, longr flash.6 Srlng fll by almos on cn agans h US ollar n a ay arly n Spmbr 2014, u o an opnon poll showng a swng owars h Ys campagn.319 Th Fnancal Tms rpor a fw ays lar ha Ass managrs, nvsors an pnson savrs ar movng bll
ons of pouns ou of Scolan bcaus of fars ha Scolan woul lav h UK.320 Th nwspapr also rpor ha 'x clauss' ar bng nsr no commrcal propry conracs n Scolan o allow buyrs o scrap als or rngoa prcs f vors op for npnnc.320 Th scon full mng was hl Augus 3 an 4, 1925. A ha mng, scusson was hl ovr h appropra nsy of rous. Wllam F. Wllams of Massachuss an Frrck S. Grn of Nw York favor a sysm of only major ransconnnal hghways, whl many sas rcommn a larg numbr of roas of only rgonal mporanc. Grn n parcular nn Nw York's sysm o hav four major hrough rous as an xampl o h ohr sas. Many sas agr n gnral wh h scop of h sysm, bu blv h Mws o hav a oo many rous o h sysm. Th group aop h shl, wh fw mofcaons from h orgnal skch, a ha mng, as wll as h cson o numbr rahr han nam h rous. A prlmnary numbrng sysm, wh gh major as-as an n major norh-souh rous, was frr o a numbrng comm whou nsrucons.1 Th Rpublc of Souh Afrca hav a nuclar wapons program a h m, an falls whn ha gographc locaon. Nvrhlss, ha acc o h Paral
Ts Ban Tray n 1963,41 an snc h fall of aparh, Souh Afrca has sclos mos of h nformaon on s nuclar wapons program, an accorng o nrnaonal nspcons an h nsung Inrnaonal Aomc Enrgy Agncy rpor, Souh Afrca coul no hav consruc such a nuclar bomb unl Novmbr 1979, wo monhs afr h oubl flash ncn. Furhrmor, h IAEA rpor ha all possbl Souh Afrcan nuclar bombs ha bn accoun for. A Cnral Inllgnc Agncy (CIA) rpor a January 21, 1980, ha was prouc for h Un Sas Arms Conrol an Dsarmamn Agncy conclu ha:42 Th hr opon woul mplmn h cononal proms ma n 2012, whn an SNP spoksprson sa ha, n h vn of Scosh npnnc, Orkny an Shlan coul rman n h Un Kngom f hr rv for slf-rmnaon was srong nough.279 Polcans n h hr slan groups hav rfrr o h Scosh rfrnum as h mos mporan vn n hr polcal hsory snc h ncpon of h slan councls n 1975. Angus Campbll, lar of h Wsrn Isls, sa ha h ongong consuonal ba offrs h opporuny for h hr slan councls o scur ncras powrs for our communs o ak csons whch wll bnf h conoms an h lvs of hos who lv n h slan
s.280 In Fbruary 2014, h Fnancal Tms no ha Scolan's pr capa GDP s bggr han ha of Franc whn a gographc shar of ol an gas s akn no accoun, an sll bggr han ha of Ialy whn s no.137 As of Aprl 2014, Scolan ha a smlar ra of unmploymn o h UK avrag (6.6%)138 an a lowr fscal fc (nclung as a prcnag of GDP)139 han h rs of h UK. Scolan prform br han h UK avrag n scurng nw Forgn Drc Invsmn n 2012-13 (masur by h numbr of projcs), alhough no as wll as Wals or Norhrn Irlan.140 GDP growh urng 2013 was lowr n Scolan han n h rs of h UK, alhough hs was parly u o an nusral spu a h Grangmouh Rfnry.141 In h 1950s, h numbrng gr for h nw Inrsa Hghway Sysm was sablsh as nnonally oppos from h US gr. Is numbrs ncras from ws-o-as an souh-o-norh, o kp ncally numbr rous gographcally apar n orr o kp hm from bng confus wh on anohr.6 czns of h 27 ohr Europan Unon counrs who ar rsn n Scolan; Afr h hr man UK polcal pars rul ou a formal currncy unon as a possbly, h Aam Smh Insu sa ha h conoms of Panama, Ecuaor an El S
alvaor monsra ha h nformal us of anohr counry's currncy can fosr a halhy fnancal sysm an conomy.148 In Spmbr 2014, formr Europan Commssonr Oll Rhn sa ha an npnn Scolan woul b unabl o m EU mmbrshp rqurmns f shar srlng nformally, as woul no hav an npnn cnral bank.175 Rhn's commn was spu by Salmon, who rsa hs blf ha a srlng currncy unon woul b form an plg o cra h ncssary fnancal nsuons.175 Th prospc of an npnn Scolan has ras qusons abou h fuur of h Norhrn Isls (Orkny an Shlan) an h Wsrn Isls, slan groups off h Scosh manlan. Som slanrs hav call for spara rfrnums o b hl n h slans on 25 Spmbr 2014, on wk afr h Scosh rfrnum.274275276 In March 2014, h Scosh Parlamn publsh h onln pon ha rcv callng for such rfrnums, whch was suppor by Shlan MSP Tavsh Sco.277 Th rfrnums woul ask slanrs o choos from hr opons: ha h slan group shoul bcom an npnn counry; shoul rman n Scolan; or (n h vn of Scosh npnnc) shoul rman n h UK.278 ginga-argentina Lngh:        157,724 ma (253,832 km) Scnfc rsarch 5 Nos ginga
-argentina 32?0?N 80?51?WCoornas: 32?0?N 80?51?W Campagnng organsaons Th Kngom of Scolan an h Kngom of Englan wr sablsh as npnn counrs urng h Ml Ags. Afr fghng a srs of wars urng h 14h cnury, h wo monarchs nr a prsonal unon n 1603 (h Unon of h Crowns) whn Jams VI of Scolan also bcam Jams I of Englan. Th wo naons wr mporarly un unr on govrnmn whn Olvr Cromwll was clar Lor Procor of a Commonwalh n 1653, bu hs was ssolv whn h monarchy was rsor n 1660. Scolan an Englan un o form h Kngom of Gra Bran n 1707, facors n favour of unon bng, on h Scosh s, h conomc problms caus by h falur of h Darn schm an, on h Englsh, scurng h Hannovran ln of succsson. Gra Bran n urn un wh h Kngom of Irlan n 1801, formng h Un Kngom of Gra Bran an Irlan. Mos of Irlan lf h Unon n 1922 as h Irsh Fr Sa; hus h full nam of h sovrgn sa oay s h Un Kngom of Gra Bran an Norhrn Irlan.</span>
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