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	Ls Bannr Dv Rplac gladys.humes.qwmq Th Scosh govrnmn an pro-npnnc campagnrs sa ha a mocrac fc xs n Scolan111112113 bcaus h UK was a unary sa ha  no hav a cof consuon.114 Th SNP also scrb h unlc Hous of Lors as an affron o mocracy.115 Th mocrac fc labl has somms bn us o rfr o h pro bwn h 1979 an 1997 UK gnral lcons, urng whch h Labour Pary hl a majory of Scosh sas bu h Consrvav Pary govrn h whol of h UK.116 Alx Salmon sa n Spmbr 2013 ha nsancs such as hs amoun o a lack of mocracy, an ha h popl who lv an work n Scolan ar h popl mos lkly o mak h rgh chocs for Scolan.117118 In January 2012, Parck Harv sa: Grns hav a vson of a mor racal mocracy n Scolan, wh far grar lvls of scusson an cson makng a communy lvl.119 Th arwork was call nvronmnal vanalsm by h formr Envronmn mnsr, Dorohy Koz, an graff by h Souh Ausralan chf of Aborgnal affars, Dav Ruhman.9 Tnmn block n Lh wh boh Ys an No rfrnum posrs an Unon flag Borr conrols an mmgraon On h ngh of 19 Spmbr, hr was a voln confronaon bwn 'Ys' a
 n 'No' supporrs n Glasgow cy cnr. Hunrs of loyals unonss arrv o clbra h 'No' vo an rporly aack npnnc supporrs who ha bn gahr n Gorg Squar.412 Many of h unonss wav Unon Jacks or loyals flags an chan Rul, Branna!.412 Som ma Naz salus an shou racs abus.412 Abou 150 polc offcrs wr raf n o spara h groups bu som unonss brok hrough polc lns.412 A numbr of popl wr rporly ban an bols wr hrown.413 A prss phoographr ol Th Scosman h saw popl bng kck abou an was forc o fl afr bng hran.413 A Scosh flag was also rporly burn.414 Th lcrcy gnraor of h Sunay Hral, h only nwspapr o suppor npnnc, was s on fr by wo mn.415 Polc ma lvn arrss an s up an 'ncn room'.413 Th volnc was conmn by polcans from boh h 'Ys' an 'No' camps.413 Th U.S. Rou shl s prn on a squar blank wh a black backgroun. Calforna s h only sa o us an olr cu-ou sgn. 2.4 Expanson an ajusmn: 1926-56 In May 2014, abou 100 mcal workrs, nclung surgons, consulan ocors, GPs, pharmacss, nss, hospal porrs an janors jon a pro-npnnc campagn group cal
 l NHS for Ys. Is co-founr scrb halh car n Scolan as a shnng xampl of slf-govrnmn for Scolan monsrably bng far br han Wsmnsr govrnmn an sa npnnc woul proc NHS Scolan from fuur Wsmnsr funng cus, an h amagng mpac of prvasaon souh of h borr.244 Snc 1980, som small amouns of nw nformaon hav mrg. Howvr, mos qusons rman unanswr: Mos ssus rgarng nrgy ar conroll by h UK govrnmn,199 alhough conrol ovr plannng laws allows h Scosh govrnmn o prvn h consrucon of nw nuclar powr saons n Scolan.199 Supporrs of npnnc wan o ran a sngl nrgy mark for h whol of Gra Bran afr npnnc, n orr o manan prc sably an suppor for supplrs.199 Opponns hav sa ha npnnc woul hran h sngl nrgy mark.199 Euan Phmsr, profssor of conomcs a Abrn Unvrsy, has sa ha alhough npnnc woul affc h rlaonshp,  s lkly ha hr woul b connu Englsh man for lcrcy gnra n Scolan bcaus OFGEM projcons suggs ha hr s ll spar capacy.200201 Th scon largs supplr of nrgy n h UK, SSE plc, blvs ha a sngl mark woul b h mos lkly oucom unr npnnc, alhough  woul
  rqur ngoaons an may nvolv changs o h xsng sysm.202 S also: Fuur nlargmn of h Europan Unon ? Possbl fuur scnaros A proposal for a volv Scosh Assmbly was pu o a rfrnum n 1979. A narrow majory of vos wr cas n favour of chang, bu hs ha no ffc u o a rqurmn ha h numbr vong 'Ys' ha o xc 40% of h oal lcora.3 1 Hsory Agrculur 2.2 Plaqu Th Ys campagn rpaly call for hr o b a lvs ba bwn UK Prm Mnsr Dav Camron an Frs Mnsr of Scolan Alx Salmon. Ths calls for a on-on-on ba wr smss by Camron354355 on h bass ha h rfrnum s for Scos o c an h ba shoul b bwn popl n Scolan who wan o say, an popl n Scolan who wan o go.356 Calls for such a ba wr also suppor by formr Prm Mnsr Goron Brown who sa  woul b a goo a.357 Br Toghr charman Alsar Darlng accus Salmon of runnng scar from bang hm nsa,358 alhough Surgon sa n 2013 ha a Salmon-Darlng ba woul ak plac a som pon.359 Darlng rfus a publc ba wh Ys Scolan charman Blar Jnkns.360 UKIP lar Ngl Farag also challng Salmon o ba, bu Farag was smss by an SNP spokswoman a
 s an rrlvanc n Scolan.361 Bas on xnsv war gams conuc a h Naval War Collg, h plan rjc aackng Brsh shppng or ampng o sroy h Brsh fl. Th man Amrcan fl woul nsa say n h wsrn Norh Alanc o block Brsh-Canaan raffc. Th navy woul wa for a goo opporuny o ngag h Brsh fl, an f succssful woul hn aack Brsh ra an colons n h Wsrn Hmsphr.6 Th scon full mng was hl Augus 3 an 4, 1925. A ha mng, scusson was hl ovr h appropra nsy of rous. Wllam F. Wllams of Massachuss an Frrck S. Grn of Nw York favor a sysm of only major ransconnnal hghways, whl many sas rcommn a larg numbr of roas of only rgonal mporanc. Grn n parcular nn Nw York's sysm o hav four major hrough rous as an xampl o h ohr sas. Many sas agr n gnral wh h scop of h sysm, bu blv h Mws o hav a oo many rous o h sysm. Th group aop h shl, wh fw mofcaons from h orgnal skch, a ha mng, as wll as h cson o numbr rahr han nam h rous. A prlmnary numbrng sysm, wh gh major as-as an n major norh-souh rous, was frr o a numbrng comm whou nsrucons.1 

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