[Ginga-argentina] You've Been Accepted by Global Who's Who M

Whos Who tgriffiths whos.tgriffiths at scaryproxy.com
Mon Oct 13 21:09:56 CEST 2014

          It is my pleasure to inform you that you qualify for 2014 membership to the Who's Who Network of Executives and Professionals, the largest professional association for business executives and professionals in the United States! The Who's Who Network highlights and profiles the country's most accomplished individuals in over 200 industries and professions. We provide an exclusive and powerful networking forum for our members to communicate and successfully achieve social and career development.
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      Manla's $4.1 mllon sa was lf o hs wow, ohr famly mmbrs, saff, an ucaonal nsuons.335 R7OoHLL55qXnyR7bFyneT7wMD61wuvilBltKI8q Manla fac smlar crcsm from h Ws for hs prsonal frnshps wh Fl Casro an Muammar Gaaf. Casro vs n 1998, o wspra popular acclam, an Manla m Gaaf n Lbya o awar hm h Orr of Goo Hop.266 Whn Wsrn govrnmns an ma crcs hs vss, Manla lambas such crcsm as havng racs unrons.267 Manla hop o rsolv h long-runnng spu bwn Lbya an h US an Bran ovr brngng o ral h wo Lbyans, Ablbas al-Mgrah an Lamn Khalfah Fhmah, who wr nc n Novmbr 1991 an accus of saboagng Pan Am Flgh 103. Manla propos ha hy b r n a hr counry, whch was agr o by all pars; govrn by Scos law, h ral was hl a Camp Zs n h Nhrlans n Aprl 1999, an foun on of h wo mn guly.268 Houson was a supporr of Nlson Manla an h an-aparh movmn. Durng hr molng ays, h sngr rfus o work wh any agncs who  busnss wh h hn-aparh Souh Afrca.6970 On Jun 11, 1988, urng h Europan lg of hr our, Houson jon ohr muscans o prform a s a Wmbly Saum n
  Lonon o clbra a hn-mprson Nlson Manla's 70h brhay.69 Ovr 72,000 popl an Wmbly Saum, an ovr a bllon popl un n worlw as h rock concr ras ovr $1 mllon for chars whl brngng awarnss o aparh.71 Houson hn flw back o h US for a concr a Mason Squar Garn n Nw York Cy n Augus. Th show was a bnf concr ha ras a quarr of a mllon ollars for h Un Ngro Collg Fun.72 In h sam yar, sh rcor a song for NBC's covrag of h 1988 Summr Olympcs, On Momn n Tm, whch bcam a Top 5 h n h US, whl rachng numbr on n h UK an Grmany.737475 Wh hr worl our connung ovrsas, Houson was sll on of h op 20 hghs arnng nranrs for 1987-88 accorng o Forbs magazn.7677 kvzv5UBWtYso4k6LUXrxS7D8fRCAdEC8vjtXEcC Th aparh sysm prva all aras of lf. vdb1mCEOFkElGN3jrjUMdCK8GBL6SJxP5o9JIZ0 7 Dah an funral 2.1.1 Pr-Grammy pary Throughou h 1980s, Houson was romancally lnk o Amrcan fooball sar Ranall Cunnngham an acor E Murphy, whom sh a.96 Sh hn m R&B sngr Bobby Brown a h 1989 Soul Tran Musc Awars. Afr a hr-yar courshp, h wo wr marr on July 1
 8, 1992.97 On March 4, 1993, Houson gav brh o hr aughr Bobb Krsna Houson Brown,98 hr only chl, an hs fourh. Brown woul go on o hav svral run-ns wh h law, nclung som jal m.97 
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