[Bdi4emc-help] Question on BDI-4

Paul bdi4emc at bulldoghome.com
Thu May 18 12:48:57 CEST 2006

Hi Beau

On Thursday 18 May 2006 04:55, Beau Beaufait wrote:
>  am running BDI 4.38 with Jon's PPMC cards and a Bostomatic mill. Today
> running a Meshcam file to do some engraving in wood the EMC would just stop
> like it was paused.  The spindle didn't stop it just stopped progressing
> through the file.  I tried "resume" and nothing happened but when I tried
> "step" it would proceed on and then "resume" would work.  This happened
> many times over several hours.  Sometimes only a few (5 or less) min.
> between events other times like 20 min.  The machine reported NO errors
> when this would happen,

Could you mail the offending file to me off list along with an indication of 
roughly which line(s) appear to trigger the problem please.

The BDI-4.38 uses a kernel and there has been a couple of 
updates uploaded to the repository at http://bdi4emc.ourproject.org/debian/ 
which might cure the problem.. By the sounds of it, it is an intermittant bug 
which are often a pain to track down. The most likely area is the trajectory 
planner getting tripped up - Matt has been busy rewriting this section 
(thanks Matt) and may have fixed the problem in the process.

Regards, Paul.

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