[Alba-desarrollo] SVN Alba r5128 - in prosistem/alba/trunk/alba: apps/principal/modules/cal/actions apps/principal/modules/cal/lib web/js web/js/cal

commits en pressenter.com.ar commits en pressenter.com.ar
Mie Sep 19 23:33:31 CEST 2007

Author: sabino
Date: 2007-09-19 18:33:29 -0300 (Wed, 19 Sep 2007)
New Revision: 5128

Ahora el calendario lee los eventos :)

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/actions/components.class.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/actions/components.class.php	2007-09-19 20:26:45 UTC (rev 5127)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/actions/components.class.php	2007-09-19 21:33:29 UTC (rev 5128)
@@ -13,13 +13,17 @@
 	public function  _phpicalendar($current_view) {
-		$default_cal_alba = $this->archivo;
+		$default_cal_alba = $this->archivo; //substr($this->archivo,0, -4);
+// 		$default_cal_alba = BASE.'calendars/'.'Home.ics';
+// 		echo substr($this->archivo,0, -4);
+// 		echo $this->archivo;
 // 		print_r( file($this->archivo));
 		$context = sfContext::getInstance();
 		$context->getResponse()->addStylesheet ("cal/templates/$template/default", '', array());
+		$context->getResponse()->addJavascript ("cal/event");
 // 		if (isset($_GET['jumpto_day'])) {
 // 			$jumpto_day_time = strtotime($_GET['jumpto_day']);
@@ -44,14 +48,81 @@
 // 		header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=$charset");
-		if ($minical_view == 'current') $minical_view = 'day';
+		if ($minical_view == 'current') $minical_view = $current_view;
+		if ($current_view == 'month') { // from month.php
+			ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $getdate, $day_array2);
+			$this_day 				= $day_array2[3]; 
+			$this_month 			= $day_array2[2];
+			$this_year 				= $day_array2[1];
+			$unix_time 				= strtotime($getdate);
+			$today_today 			= date('Ymd', time() + $second_offset); 
+			$tomorrows_date 		= date('Ymd', strtotime("+1 day",  $unix_time));
+			$yesterdays_date 		= date('Ymd', strtotime("-1 day",  $unix_time));
+			$sidebar_date 			= localizeDate($dateFormat_week_list, $unix_time);
+			// find out next month
+			$next_month_month 		= ($this_month+1 == '13') ? '1' : ($this_month+1);
+			$next_month_day 		= $this_day;
+			$next_month_year 		= ($next_month_month == '1') ? ($this_year+1) : $this_year;
+			while (!checkdate($next_month_month,$next_month_day,$next_month_year)) $next_month_day--;
+			$next_month_time 		= mktime(0,0,0,$next_month_month,$next_month_day,$next_month_year);
+			// find out last month
+			$prev_month_month 		= ($this_month-1 == '0') ? '12' : ($this_month-1);
+			$prev_month_day 		= $this_day;
+			$prev_month_year 		= ($prev_month_month == '12') ? ($this_year-1) : $this_year;
+			while (!checkdate($prev_month_month,$prev_month_day,$prev_month_year)) $prev_month_day--;
+			$prev_month_time 		= mktime(0,0,0,$prev_month_month,$prev_month_day,$prev_month_year);
+			$next_month 			= date("Ymd", $next_month_time);
+			$prev_month 			= date("Ymd", $prev_month_time);
+			$display_date 			= localizeDate ($dateFormat_month, $unix_time);
+			$parse_month 			= date ("Ym", $unix_time);
+			$first_of_month 		= $this_year.$this_month."01";
+			$start_month_day 		= dateOfWeek($first_of_month, $week_start_day);
+			$thisday2 				= localizeDate($dateFormat_week_list, $unix_time);
+			$num_of_events2 			= 0;
+			$list_icals 	= display_ical_list(availableCalendars($username, $password, $ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED));
+			$list_years 	= list_years();
+			$list_months 	= list_months();
+			$list_weeks 	= list_weeks();
+			$list_jumps 	= list_jumps();
+			$list_calcolors = list_calcolors();
+			$list_icals_pick = display_ical_list(availableCalendars($username, $password, $ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED), TRUE);
+		} elseif ($current_view == 'year') { // from year.php
+			ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $getdate, $day_array2);
+			$this_day 	= $day_array2[3]; 
+			$this_month = $day_array2[2];
+			$this_year 	= $day_array2[1];
+			$next_year 	= strtotime ("+1 year", strtotime($getdate));
+			$next_year 	= date ("Ymd", $next_year);
+			$prev_year 	= strtotime ("-1 year", strtotime($getdate));
+			$prev_year 	= date ("Ymd", $prev_year);
+			$sidebar_date 		= localizeDate($dateFormat_day, strtotime($getdate));
+			// For the side months
+			ereg ("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})", $getdate, $day_array2);
+			$this_day 	= $day_array2[3]; 
+			$this_month = $day_array2[2];
+			$this_year 	= $day_array2[1];
+		}
 		$weekstart 		= 1;
 		$unix_time 		= strtotime($getdate);
 		$today_today 	= date('Ymd', time() + $second_offset);  
 		$next_day		= date('Ymd', strtotime("+1 day",  $unix_time));
 		$prev_day 		= date('Ymd', strtotime("-1 day",  $unix_time));
+		//from week.php
+		$next_week 			= date("Ymd", strtotime("+1 week",  $unix_time));
+		$prev_week 			= date("Ymd", strtotime("-1 week",  $unix_time));
 		$globals_local = array();
 		$globals_local['daysofweek_lang'] = $daysofweek_lang;
  		$globals_local['daysofweekshort_lang'] = $daysofweekshort_lang; $globals_local['daysofweekreallyshort_lang'] = $daysofweekreallyshort_lang;
@@ -160,18 +231,19 @@
 		'header'			=> '',
-		'event_js'			=> '',
+		'event_js'			=> "",
 		'footer'			=> '',
 		'sidebar'           => '',
-		'search_box'        => ''
+		'search_box'        => '',
+		'calendar_nav'      => '',
 		$prefixUri = sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getUriPrefix();
 		$globals = array(
 		"base"			=> $relativeUrlRoot ."/images/cal",
 		'day_view_action'	=> $action.'/'.$this->verPorDia,
-		'week_view_action'	=> $action.'/'.$this->verPorSemana,
-		'month_view_action'	=> $prefixUri.$relativeUrlRoot.'/'.$action.'/'.$this->verPorMes,
-		'year_view_action'	=> $prefixUri.$relativeUrlRoot.'/'.$action.'/'.$this->verPorAnio,
+		'week_view_action'	=> $action."/".$this->verPorSemana,
+		'month_view_action'	=> $action.'/'.$this->verPorMes,
+		'year_view_action'	=> $action.'/'.$this->verPorAnio,
 		'version'			=> $phpicalendar_version,
 		'charset'			=> $charset,
 		'default_path'		=> '',
@@ -223,7 +295,18 @@
 		'l_search'			=> $lang['l_search'],
 		'l_this_site_is'	=> $lang['l_this_site_is']
+		if ($current_view == 'month') {
+			$globals['next_month'] = $next_month;
+			$globals['prev_month'] = $prev_month;
+			$globals['l_this_months'] = $lang['l_this_months'];
+		} elseif ($current_view == 'year') {
+			$globals['next_year'] = $next_year;
+			$globals['prev_year'] = $prev_year;
+			$globals['l_this_year'] = $lang['l_this_year'];
+		} elseif ($current_view == 'week') {
+			$globals['next_week'] = $next_week;
+			$globals['prev_week'] = $prev_week;
+		}

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/default_config.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/default_config.php	2007-09-19 20:26:45 UTC (rev 5127)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/default_config.php	2007-09-19 21:33:29 UTC (rev 5128)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 // To set values, change the text between the single quotes
 // Follow instructions to the right for detailed information
-$template 				= 'default';		// Template support
+$template 				= 'red';		// Template support
 $default_view 			= 'day';			// Default view for calendars = 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'
 $minical_view 			= 'current';		// Where do the mini-calendars go when clicked? = 'day', 'week', 'month', 'current'
 // $default_cal 			= "$ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED";		// Exact filename of calendar without .ics. Or set to $ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED to open all calenders combined into one.

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/ical_parser.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/ical_parser.php	2007-09-19 20:26:45 UTC (rev 5127)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/ical_parser.php	2007-09-19 21:33:29 UTC (rev 5128)
@@ -27,80 +27,81 @@
 // reading the file if it's allowed
 $parse_file = true;
-if ($save_parsed_cals == 'yes') {	
-	if (sizeof ($cal_filelist) > 1) {
-		$parsedcal = $tmp_dir.'/parsedcal-'.urlencode($cpath.'::'.$cal_filename).'-'.$this_year;
-		if (file_exists($parsedcal)) {
-			$fd = fopen($parsedcal, 'r');
-			$contents = fread($fd, filesize($parsedcal));
-			fclose($fd);
-			$master_array = unserialize($contents);
-			$z=1;
-			$y=0;
-			if (sizeof($master_array['-4']) == (sizeof($cal_filelist))) {
-				foreach ($master_array['-4'] as $temp_array) {
-					$mtime = $master_array['-4'][$z]['mtime'];
-					$fname = $master_array['-4'][$z]['filename'];
-					$wcalc = $master_array['-4'][$z]['webcal'];	
-					if ($wcalc == 'no') $realcal_mtime = filemtime($fname);
-					$webcal_mtime = time() - strtotime($webcal_hours * 3600);
-					if (($mtime == $realcal_mtime) && ($wcalc == 'no')) {
-						$y++;
-					} elseif (($wcalc == 'yes') && ($mtime > $webcal_mtime)) {
-						//echo date('H:i',$mtime). ' > '. date('H:i',$webcal_mtime);
-						$y++;
-					}
-					$z++;
-				}
-				foreach ($master_array['-3'] as $temp_array) {
-					if (isset($temp_array) && $temp_array !='') $caldisplaynames[] = $temp_array;
-				}
-				if ($y == sizeof($cal_filelist)) {
-					if ($master_array['-1'] == 'valid cal file') {
-						$parse_file = false;
-						$calendar_name = $master_array['calendar_name'];
-						$calendar_tz = $master_array['calendar_tz'];
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if ($parse_file == true) unset($master_array);
-	} else {
-		foreach ($cal_filelist as $filename) {
-			$realcal_mtime = filemtime($filename);
-			$parsedcal = $tmp_dir.'/parsedcal-'.urlencode($cpath.'::'.$cal_filename).'-'.$this_year;
-			if (file_exists($parsedcal)) {
-				$parsedcal_mtime = filemtime($parsedcal);
-				if ($realcal_mtime == $parsedcal_mtime) {
-					$fd = fopen($parsedcal, 'r');
-					$contents = fread($fd, filesize($parsedcal));
-					fclose($fd);
-					$master_array = unserialize($contents);
-					if ($master_array['-1'] == 'valid cal file') {
-						$parse_file = false;
-						$calendar_name = $master_array['calendar_name'];
-						$calendar_tz = $master_array['calendar_tz'];
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
+//@annotation esto lo saque porque no tiene sentido en nuestro caso
+// if ($save_parsed_cals == 'yes') {	
+// 	if (sizeof ($cal_filelist) > 1) {
+// 		$parsedcal = $tmp_dir.'/parsedcal-'.urlencode($cpath.'::'.$cal_filename).'-'.$this_year;
+// 		if (file_exists($parsedcal)) {
+// 			$fd = fopen($parsedcal, 'r');
+// 			$contents = fread($fd, filesize($parsedcal));
+// 			fclose($fd);
+// 			$master_array = unserialize($contents);
+// 			$z=1;
+// 			$y=0;
+// 			if (sizeof($master_array['-4']) == (sizeof($cal_filelist))) {
+// 				foreach ($master_array['-4'] as $temp_array) {
+// 					$mtime = $master_array['-4'][$z]['mtime'];
+// 					$fname = $master_array['-4'][$z]['filename'];
+// 					$wcalc = $master_array['-4'][$z]['webcal'];	
+// 					if ($wcalc == 'no') $realcal_mtime = filemtime($fname);
+// 					$webcal_mtime = time() - strtotime($webcal_hours * 3600);
+// 					if (($mtime == $realcal_mtime) && ($wcalc == 'no')) {
+// 						$y++;
+// 					} elseif (($wcalc == 'yes') && ($mtime > $webcal_mtime)) {
+// 						//echo date('H:i',$mtime). ' > '. date('H:i',$webcal_mtime);
+// 						$y++;
+// 					}
+// 					$z++;
+// 				}
+// 				foreach ($master_array['-3'] as $temp_array) {
+// 					if (isset($temp_array) && $temp_array !='') $caldisplaynames[] = $temp_array;
+// 				}
+// 				if ($y == sizeof($cal_filelist)) {
+// 					if ($master_array['-1'] == 'valid cal file') {
+// 						$parse_file = false;
+// 						$calendar_name = $master_array['calendar_name'];
+// 						$calendar_tz = $master_array['calendar_tz'];
+// 					}
+// 				}
+// 			}
+// 		}
+// 		if ($parse_file == true) unset($master_array);
+// 	} else {
+// 		foreach ($cal_filelist as $filename) {
+// 			$realcal_mtime = filemtime($filename);
+// 			$parsedcal = $tmp_dir.'/parsedcal-'.urlencode($cpath.'::'.$cal_filename).'-'.$this_year;
+// 			if (file_exists($parsedcal)) {
+// 				$parsedcal_mtime = filemtime($parsedcal);
+// 				if ($realcal_mtime == $parsedcal_mtime) {
+// 					$fd = fopen($parsedcal, 'r');
+// 					$contents = fread($fd, filesize($parsedcal));
+// 					fclose($fd);
+// 					$master_array = unserialize($contents);
+// 					if ($master_array['-1'] == 'valid cal file') {
+// 						$parse_file = false;
+// 						$calendar_name = $master_array['calendar_name'];
+// 						$calendar_tz = $master_array['calendar_tz'];
+// 					}
+// 				}
+// 			}
+// 		}
+// 	}
+// }
 if ($parse_file) {	
 	$overlap_array = array ();
 	$uid_counter = 0;
+// print_r ($cal_filelist); die;
 $calnumber = 1;
 foreach ($cal_filelist as $cal_key=>$filename) {
 	// Find the real name of the calendar.
 	$actual_calname = getCalendarName($filename);
 	if ($parse_file) {	
 		// Let's see if we're doing a webcal
 		$is_webcal = FALSE;
 		if (substr($filename, 0, 7) == 'http://' || substr($filename, 0, 8) == 'https://' || substr($filename, 0, 9) == 'webcal://') {
@@ -1210,13 +1211,13 @@
 //If you want to see the values in the arrays, uncomment below.
-//print '<pre>';
-//print '</pre>';
+// print '<pre>';
+// print_r($master_array);
+// print_r($overlap_array);
+// print_r($day_array);
+// print_r($rrule_array);
+// print_r($recurrence_delete);
+// print_r($cal_displaynames);
+// print_r($cal_filelist);
+// print '</pre>';

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/init.inc.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/init.inc.php	2007-09-19 20:26:45 UTC (rev 5127)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/init.inc.php	2007-09-19 21:33:29 UTC (rev 5128)
@@ -17,23 +17,24 @@
 if (is_file(BASE.'config.inc.php')) include_once(BASE.'config.inc.php');
-$cookie_name = 'phpicalendar_'.basename($default_path);
-if (isset($_COOKIE["$cookie_name"]) && !isset($_POST['unset'])) {
-	$phpicalendar = unserialize(stripslashes($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]));
-	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_language'])) 	$language 			= $phpicalendar['cookie_language'];
-	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_calendar'])) 	$default_cal_check	= $phpicalendar['cookie_calendar'];
-	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_cpath'])) 		$default_cpath_check= $phpicalendar['cookie_cpath'];
-	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_view'])) 		$default_view 		= $phpicalendar['cookie_view'];
-	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_style']) && is_dir(BASE.'templates/'.$phpicalendar['cookie_style'].'/')){ 
-		$template 			= $phpicalendar['cookie_style'];
-	}	
-	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_startday'])) 	$week_start_day		= $phpicalendar['cookie_startday'];
-	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_time']))		$day_start			= $phpicalendar['cookie_time'];
-#cpath modifies the calendar path based on the url or cookie values.  This allows you to run multiple calendar subsets from a single phpicalendar installation. Operations on cpath are largely hidden from the end user.
-if ($calendar_path == '') {
-	$calendar_path = BASE.'calendars';
+//@annotation esto lo saque porque no tiene sentido en nuestro caso
+// $cookie_name = 'phpicalendar_'.basename($default_path);
+// if (isset($_COOKIE["$cookie_name"]) && !isset($_POST['unset'])) {
+// 	$phpicalendar = unserialize(stripslashes($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]));
+// 	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_language'])) 	$language 			= $phpicalendar['cookie_language'];
+// 	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_calendar'])) 	$default_cal_check	= $phpicalendar['cookie_calendar'];
+// 	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_cpath'])) 		$default_cpath_check= $phpicalendar['cookie_cpath'];
+// 	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_view'])) 		$default_view 		= $phpicalendar['cookie_view'];
+// 	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_style']) && is_dir(BASE.'templates/'.$phpicalendar['cookie_style'].'/')){ 
+// 		$template 			= $phpicalendar['cookie_style'];
+// 	}	
+// 	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_startday'])) 	$week_start_day		= $phpicalendar['cookie_startday'];
+// 	if (isset($phpicalendar['cookie_time']))		$day_start			= $phpicalendar['cookie_time'];
+// }
+// #cpath modifies the calendar path based on the url or cookie values.  This allows you to run multiple calendar subsets from a single phpicalendar installation. Operations on cpath are largely hidden from the end user.
+// if ($calendar_path == '') {
+// 	$calendar_path = BASE.'calendars';
+// }
 $cpath = ''; #initialize cpath to prevent later undef warnings.
 if(isset($_REQUEST['cpath'])&& $_REQUEST['cpath'] !=''){
@@ -109,31 +110,32 @@
 // Pull the calendars off the GET line if provided. The $cal_filename
 // is always an array, because this makes it easier to deal with below.
 $cal_filenames = array();
-if (isset($_GET['cal'])) {
-	// If the cal value is not an array, split it into an array on
-	// commas.
-	if (!is_array($_GET['cal']))
-		$_GET['cal'] = explode(',', $_GET['cal']);
-	// Grab the calendar filenames off the cal value array.
-	$cal_filenames = $_GET['cal'];
-} else {
-	if (isset($default_cal_check)) {
-		if ($default_cal_check != $ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED) {
-			$calcheck = $calendar_path.'/'.$default_cal_check.'.ics';
-			$calcheckopen = @fopen($calcheck, "r");
-			if ($calcheckopen == FALSE) {
-				$cal_filenames = explode(',',$default_cal);
-			} else {
-				$cal_filenames[0] = $default_cal_check;
-			}
-		} else {
-			$cal_filenames[0] = $ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED;
-		}
-	} else {
-		$cal_filenames = explode(',',$default_cal_alba);
-	}
+// if (isset($_GET['cal'])) {
+// 	// If the cal value is not an array, split it into an array on
+// 	// commas.
+// 	if (!is_array($_GET['cal']))
+// 		$_GET['cal'] = explode(',', $_GET['cal']);
+// 	// Grab the calendar filenames off the cal value array.
+// 	$cal_filenames = $_GET['cal'];
+// } else {
+// 	if (isset($default_cal_check)) {
+// 		if ($default_cal_check != $ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED) {
+// 			$calcheck = $calendar_path.'/'.$default_cal_check.'.ics';
+// 			$calcheckopen = @fopen($calcheck, "r");
+// 			if ($calcheckopen == FALSE) {
+// 				$cal_filenames = explode(',',$default_cal);
+// 			} else {
+// 				$cal_filenames[0] = $default_cal_check;
+// 			}
+// 		} else {
+// 			$cal_filenames[0] = $ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED;
+// 		}
+// 	} else {
+// 		$cal_filenames = explode(',',$default_cal_alba);
+// 	}
+// }
+$cal_filenames = explode(',',$default_cal_alba);
 //load cal_filenames if $ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED
 if ($cal_filenames[0] == $ALL_CALENDARS_COMBINED){
@@ -160,10 +162,11 @@
 	// Otherwise it is a local calendar.
 	else {
 		// Check blacklisted.
-		if (in_array($cal_filename, $blacklisted_cals)  && $cal_filename !='') {
-			exit(error($lang['l_error_restrictedcal'], $cal_filename));
-		}
-		$local_cals[] = urldecode(str_replace(".ics", '', basename($cal_filename)));
+// 		if (in_array($cal_filename, $blacklisted_cals)  && $cal_filename !='') {
+// 			exit(error($lang['l_error_restrictedcal'], $cal_filename));
+// 		}
+// 		$local_cals[] = urldecode(str_replace(".ics", '', basename($cal_filename)));
+		$local_cals[] = urldecode($cal_filename);
@@ -227,11 +230,13 @@
 	$globals['lang'] = $lang;
-	$local_cals = availableCalendars($username, $password, $local_cals,false, $globals);
+	//@annotation esto no pasaba el chequeo y no es necesario
+	//$local_cals = availableCalendars($username, $password, $local_cals,false, $globals);
 	foreach ($local_cals as $local_cal) {
 		$cal_displaynames[] = str_replace('32', ' ', getCalendarName($local_cal));
 	$cal_filelist = array_merge($cal_filelist, $local_cals);
 	$cals = array_merge($cals, array_map("urlencode", array_map("getCalendarName", $local_cals)));
@@ -255,7 +260,6 @@
 // We should only allow a download filename and subscribe path if there is
 // only one calendar being displayed.
 if (count($cal_filelist) > 1) {
@@ -278,19 +282,19 @@
 	return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); 
 #uncomment for diagnostics
-#echo "after init.inc.ics<pre>";
-#echo "cals";
-#echo "cal_filenames";
-#echo "web_cals";
-#echo "local_cals";
-#echo "cal_filelist";
-#echo "cal_displaynames";
-#echo "</pre><hr>";
+// echo "after init.inc.ics<pre>";
+// echo "cals";
+// print_r($cals);echo"\n\n";
+// echo "cal_filenames";
+// print_r($cal_filenames);echo"\n\n";
+// echo "web_cals";
+// print_r($web_cals);echo"\n\n";
+// echo "local_cals";
+// print_r($local_cals);echo"\n\n";
+// echo "cal_filelist";
+// print_r($cal_filelist);
+// echo "cal_displaynames";
+// print_r($cal_displaynames);
+// echo "</pre><hr>";

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/template.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/template.php	2007-09-19 20:26:45 UTC (rev 5127)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/template.php	2007-09-19 21:33:29 UTC (rev 5128)
@@ -948,6 +948,7 @@
 		$first_of_year 		= $minical_year."0101";
 		// Add links in to the month/year views.
+		//@annotation modificacion de los link que produce en la vista de month and year
 		$dateFormat_month_local = str_replace("%B", "<a class=\"ps3\" href=\"month.php?cal=$this->cal&amp;getdate=$first_of_month\">%B</a>", $this->dateFormat_month);
 		$dateFormat_month_local = str_replace("%Y", "<a class=\"ps3\" href=\"year.php?cal=$this->cal&amp;getdate=$first_of_year\">%Y</a>", $dateFormat_month_local);

Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/web/js/cal/event.js
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/web/js/cal/event.js	2007-09-19 20:26:45 UTC (rev 5127)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/web/js/cal/event.js	2007-09-19 21:33:29 UTC (rev 5128)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
+function openEventWindow(num) {
+	// populate the hidden form
+	var data = document.popup_data[num];
+	var form = document.forms.eventPopupForm;
+	form.elements.date.value = data.date;
+	form.elements.time.value = data.time;
+	form.elements.uid.value = data.uid;
+	form.elements.cpath.value = data.cpath;
+	form.elements.event_data.value = data.event_data;
+	// open a new window
+	var w = window.open('', 'Popup', 'scrollbars=yes,width=460,height=275');
+	form.target = 'Popup';
+	form.submit();
+function EventData(date, time, uid, cpath, event_data) {
+	this.date = date;
+	this.time = time;
+	this.uid = uid;
+	this.cpath = cpath;
+	this.event_data = event_data;
+<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
+function openTodoInfo(num) {	
+	// populate the hidden form
+	var data = document.todo_popup_data[num];
+	var form = document.forms.todoPopupForm;
+	form.elements.todo_data.value = data.todo_data;
+	// open a new window
+	var w = window.open('', 'Popup', 'scrollbars=yes,width=460,height=275');
+	form.target = 'Popup';
+	form.submit();
+function TodoData(todo_data,todo_text) {
+	this.todo_data = todo_data;
+	this.todo_text = todo_text;
+document.popup_data = new Array();
+document.todo_popup_data = new Array();

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