[AfH-Chapters] The new concept for the AfH-course

Mark Williamson mark.williamson at actionforhappiness.org
Fri Feb 14 17:13:00 CET 2020

Hi Ruth,

Thanks for this. Alex is the key person working on the new version of the
course, so I'll leave him to reply on this.

Alex - not sure if you're on the "AfH-Chapters" distribution list so I've
cc'd you in - please see message from Ruth below.

As for the Get-Togethers, yes that's helpful feedback Ruth, thanks - and
it's consistent what we've found elsewhere too. The best formula seems to
be adhering closely to the monthly themes (e.g. Friendly February, Mindful
March etc) but allowing the group to contribute ideas, content and
activities around that theme - e.g. someone leading a new mindfulness
activity, sharing a short reading/quote on that topic, organising a
creative activity relating to the theme etc.

Have a great weekend.

Warmest wishes

*Mark Williamson*
Director, Action for Happiness

---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Ruth Habermehl <kontakt at zufriedenleben.eu>
> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2020 at 14:03
> Subject: [AfH-Chapters] The new concept for the AfH-course
> To: <AfH-Chapters at lists.ourproject.org>
> Dear Alex, dear Mark,
> On Tuesday you spoke of a new course concept. I am very interested in
> it, regardless of the language problem. (Maybe for the time being it is
> possible to translate single modules.)
> I myself would also find it quite exciting to get to know a little more
> about this development process. Maybe even more people from the chapters
> will do the same.
> About the monthly get-together-meetings: the Frankfurt people mention,
> besides the personal contact and the subsequent visit to the pub, above
> all, that staying on the topic is an important point for them.
> Greetings from Frankfurt
> Ruth
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