[Bdi4emc-help] Question regarding compiling EMC BDI-4.38

Paul bdi4emc at bulldoghome.com
Thu Mar 16 01:01:54 CET 2006

Hi Simon

On Wednesday 15 March 2006 06:39, Mali Simon    ITPSD2 wrote:
> Is it normal to take almost 2 hours to compile the complete package on
> Duron 700MHz? There were also a lot of warnings during compiling.

A few minutes, even on a Celeron 433MHz, is all it should take. Any longer 
than five minutes, and there is something seriously wrong.

> and the emc2 responded:
> Can't find bWidget 1.7 package. There is a debian bwidget package;

Oh great, a package to add to the list for BDI-4.40, fortunately, not a huge 
package, but 200K that could have been used for something else...

> insmod: error inserting
> '/lib/modules/': -1 File exists
> insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/':

Running dmesg should provide some clues as to why errors occurred loading 
modules.. And when the first module fails to load, the rest will generate 
similar errors...

> Any suggestion what to do to get emc2 in working condition?

emc2 is, at best, experimental and a long way from being stable enough to use 
in a production environment (despite what some of the developers might say). 
All I can do is provide the packages required to compile and run emc2, 
occasionally checking to see that it _will_ compile.. Beyond that, bugs, 
crashes, and other nasties, I'll have to point you to 
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=6744&atid=106744 and suggest filing 
a bug report with as much detail as possible - Don't be afraid to paste the 
entire output of dmesg, it just might provide some clue as to what went 

Regards, Paul.

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