[Tts-dev-commits] r64 - / zen-tts zen-tts/img

Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado vjrj_ at ourproject.org
Tue May 31 21:03:58 CEST 2011

Author: vjrj_
Date: 2011-05-31 21:03:58 +0200 (Tue, 31 May 2011)
New Revision: 64

voicemap into svn

Modified: fabfile.py
--- fabfile.py	2011-05-29 23:10:23 UTC (rev 63)
+++ fabfile.py	2011-05-31 19:03:58 UTC (rev 64)
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
 from fabric.api import *
 env.hosts = ['scm.ourproject.org']
-theme_path = '/home/groups/tts-dev/htdocs/sites/default/themes/zen-tts'
-res_path = '/home/groups/tts-dev/htdocs/res'
-images_path = '/home/groups/tts-dev/htdocs/images'
-home_path = '/home/groups/tts-dev/htdocs/home-photo'
+dev_prefix= '/home/groups/tts-dev/htdocs/'
+prod_prefix= '/var/www/takethesquare.net/htdocs/'
+theme_path = 'sites/default/themes/zen-tts'
+res_path = 'res'
+images_path = 'images'
+home_path = 'home-photo'
 def commit():
     "Similar to prepare_deploy"
@@ -22,19 +25,26 @@
 def change_log():
     local("svn2cl -i  -o ChangeLog")
-def svn_update():
+def svn_update_dev(prefix):
     "Updates Tts-Dev website with the repository files."
-    run("cd %s; svn up" % home_path)
-    run("cd %s; svn up" % res_path)
-    run("cd %s; svn up" % images_path)
-    run("cd %s; svn up" % theme_path)
-    run("chgrp -R tts-dev %s" % res_path)
-    run("chgrp -R tts-dev %s" % home_path)    
-    run("chgrp -R tts-dev %s" % images_path)
-    run("chgrp -R tts-dev %s" % theme_path)
+    run("cd %s%s; svn up" % (prefix, home_path))
+    run("cd %s%s; svn up" % (prefix, res_path))
+    run("cd %s%s; svn up" % (prefix, images_path))
+    run("cd %s%s; svn up" % (prefix, theme_path))
+    run("chgrp -R tts-dev %s%s" % (prefix, res_path))
+    run("chgrp -R tts-dev %s%s" % (prefix, home_path))    
+    run("chgrp -R tts-dev %s%s" % (prefix, images_path))
+    run("chgrp -R tts-dev %s%s" % (prefix, theme_path))
 def deploy():
     run('echo Deploying with user: "%(user)s"' % env)
+    prepare_deploy(prefix_dev)
+    svn_update_dev()
+def deployprod():
+    run('echo Deploying with user: "%(user)s"' % env)
+    change_log()
-    svn_update()
+    svn_update_dev(prefix_prod)

Added: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-0.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-0.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-1.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-1.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-10.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-10.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-11.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-11.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-2.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-2.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-3.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-3.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-4.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-4.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-5.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-5.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-6.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-6.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-7.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-7.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-8.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-8.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-9.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: zen-tts/img/bocadillo-9.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: zen-tts/node-voice_map.tpl.php
--- zen-tts/node-voice_map.tpl.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ zen-tts/node-voice_map.tpl.php	2011-05-31 19:03:58 UTC (rev 64)
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * @file
+ * Theme implementation to display a node.
+ *
+ * Available variables:
+ * - $title: the (sanitized) title of the node.
+ * - $content: Node body or teaser depending on $teaser flag.
+ * - $user_picture: The node author's picture from user-picture.tpl.php.
+ * - $date: Formatted creation date. Preprocess functions can reformat it by
+ *   calling format_date() with the desired parameters on the $created variable.
+ * - $name: Themed username of node author output from theme_username().
+ * - $node_url: Direct url of the current node.
+ * - $terms: the themed list of taxonomy term links output from theme_links().
+ * - $display_submitted: whether submission information should be displayed.
+ * - $submitted: Themed submission information output from
+ *   theme_node_submitted().
+ * - $links: Themed links like "Read more", "Add new comment", etc. output
+ *   from theme_links().
+ * - $classes: String of classes that can be used to style contextually through
+ *   CSS. It can be manipulated through the variable $classes_array from
+ *   preprocess functions. The default values can be one or more of the
+ *   following:
+ *   - node: The current template type, i.e., "theming hook".
+ *   - node-[type]: The current node type. For example, if the node is a
+ *     "Blog entry" it would result in "node-blog". Note that the machine
+ *     name will often be in a short form of the human readable label.
+ *   - node-teaser: Nodes in teaser form.
+ *   - node-preview: Nodes in preview mode.
+ *   The following are controlled through the node publishing options.
+ *   - node-promoted: Nodes promoted to the front page.
+ *   - node-sticky: Nodes ordered above other non-sticky nodes in teaser
+ *     listings.
+ *   - node-unpublished: Unpublished nodes visible only to administrators.
+ *   The following applies only to viewers who are registered users:
+ *   - node-by-viewer: Node is authored by the user currently viewing the page.
+ *
+ * Other variables:
+ * - $node: Full node object. Contains data that may not be safe.
+ * - $type: Node type, i.e. story, page, blog, etc.
+ * - $comment_count: Number of comments attached to the node.
+ * - $uid: User ID of the node author.
+ * - $created: Time the node was published formatted in Unix timestamp.
+ * - $classes_array: Array of html class attribute values. It is flattened
+ *   into a string within the variable $classes.
+ * - $zebra: Outputs either "even" or "odd". Useful for zebra striping in
+ *   teaser listings.
+ * - $id: Position of the node. Increments each time it's output.
+ *
+ * Node status variables:
+ * - $build_mode: Build mode, e.g. 'full', 'teaser'...
+ * - $teaser: Flag for the teaser state (shortcut for $build_mode == 'teaser').
+ * - $page: Flag for the full page state.
+ * - $promote: Flag for front page promotion state.
+ * - $sticky: Flags for sticky post setting.
+ * - $status: Flag for published status.
+ * - $comment: State of comment settings for the node.
+ * - $readmore: Flags true if the teaser content of the node cannot hold the
+ *   main body content.
+ * - $is_front: Flags true when presented in the front page.
+ * - $logged_in: Flags true when the current user is a logged-in member.
+ * - $is_admin: Flags true when the current user is an administrator.
+ *
+ * The following variable is deprecated and will be removed in Drupal 7:
+ * - $picture: This variable has been renamed $user_picture in Drupal 7.
+ *
+ * @see template_preprocess()
+ * @see template_preprocess_node()
+ * @see zen_preprocess()
+ * @see zen_preprocess_node()
+ * @see zen_process()
+ */
+// dpm(get_defined_vars());
+<div id="node-<?php print $node->nid; ?>" class="<?php print $classes; ?> clearfix">
+  <?php if (!$page && $title): ?>
+    <h2 class="title"><a href="<?php print $node_url; ?>"><?php print $title; ?></a></h2>
+  <?php endif; ?>
+  <?php if ($unpublished): ?>
+    <div class="unpublished"><?php print t('Unpublished'); ?></div>
+  <?php endif; ?>
+  <?php if ($display_submitted || $terms): ?>
+    <div class="meta">
+      <?php if ($terms): ?>
+        <div class="terms terms-inline"><?php print $terms; ?></div>
+      <?php endif; ?>
+    </div>
+  <?php endif; ?>
+  <div class="content voicemap">
+    <div style="background-image: url(/<?php print $field_background_img[0]['filepath'];?>);" id="imagen" />
+      <div class="voice-wrapper">
+        <?php foreach ($voicemap as $order_id => $data):?>
+          <div id="text<?php print $order_id;?>" class="novisible">
+            <?php print $data ['text'];?>
+          </div>
+        <?php endforeach;?>
+      </div> <!-- voice-wrapper-->
+      <?php foreach ($voicemap as $order_id => $data):?>
+        <div class="bubble <?php if ($order_id == 0) { print 'first';}?>" id="button<?php print $order_id;?>" style="top: <?php print $data['posx'];?>px;left:<?php print $data['posy'];?>px">
+          <img class="buble-img" id="pin<?php print $order_id;?>" src="/sites/default/themes/zen-tts/img/bocadillo-<?php print $order_id;?>.png"/>
+        </div>
+      <?php endforeach;?>
+    </div> <!-- imagen -->
+  </div><!-- voicemap -->
+  <?php print $links; ?>
+</div><!-- /.node -->

Added: zen-tts/node.tpl.php
--- zen-tts/node.tpl.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ zen-tts/node.tpl.php	2011-05-31 19:03:58 UTC (rev 64)
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * @file
+ * Theme implementation to display a node.
+ *
+ * Available variables:
+ * - $title: the (sanitized) title of the node.
+ * - $content: Node body or teaser depending on $teaser flag.
+ * - $user_picture: The node author's picture from user-picture.tpl.php.
+ * - $date: Formatted creation date. Preprocess functions can reformat it by
+ *   calling format_date() with the desired parameters on the $created variable.
+ * - $name: Themed username of node author output from theme_username().
+ * - $node_url: Direct url of the current node.
+ * - $terms: the themed list of taxonomy term links output from theme_links().
+ * - $display_submitted: whether submission information should be displayed.
+ * - $submitted: Themed submission information output from
+ *   theme_node_submitted().
+ * - $links: Themed links like "Read more", "Add new comment", etc. output
+ *   from theme_links().
+ * - $classes: String of classes that can be used to style contextually through
+ *   CSS. It can be manipulated through the variable $classes_array from
+ *   preprocess functions. The default values can be one or more of the
+ *   following:
+ *   - node: The current template type, i.e., "theming hook".
+ *   - node-[type]: The current node type. For example, if the node is a
+ *     "Blog entry" it would result in "node-blog". Note that the machine
+ *     name will often be in a short form of the human readable label.
+ *   - node-teaser: Nodes in teaser form.
+ *   - node-preview: Nodes in preview mode.
+ *   The following are controlled through the node publishing options.
+ *   - node-promoted: Nodes promoted to the front page.
+ *   - node-sticky: Nodes ordered above other non-sticky nodes in teaser
+ *     listings.
+ *   - node-unpublished: Unpublished nodes visible only to administrators.
+ *   The following applies only to viewers who are registered users:
+ *   - node-by-viewer: Node is authored by the user currently viewing the page.
+ *
+ * Other variables:
+ * - $node: Full node object. Contains data that may not be safe.
+ * - $type: Node type, i.e. story, page, blog, etc.
+ * - $comment_count: Number of comments attached to the node.
+ * - $uid: User ID of the node author.
+ * - $created: Time the node was published formatted in Unix timestamp.
+ * - $classes_array: Array of html class attribute values. It is flattened
+ *   into a string within the variable $classes.
+ * - $zebra: Outputs either "even" or "odd". Useful for zebra striping in
+ *   teaser listings.
+ * - $id: Position of the node. Increments each time it's output.
+ *
+ * Node status variables:
+ * - $build_mode: Build mode, e.g. 'full', 'teaser'...
+ * - $teaser: Flag for the teaser state (shortcut for $build_mode == 'teaser').
+ * - $page: Flag for the full page state.
+ * - $promote: Flag for front page promotion state.
+ * - $sticky: Flags for sticky post setting.
+ * - $status: Flag for published status.
+ * - $comment: State of comment settings for the node.
+ * - $readmore: Flags true if the teaser content of the node cannot hold the
+ *   main body content.
+ * - $is_front: Flags true when presented in the front page.
+ * - $logged_in: Flags true when the current user is a logged-in member.
+ * - $is_admin: Flags true when the current user is an administrator.
+ *
+ * The following variable is deprecated and will be removed in Drupal 7:
+ * - $picture: This variable has been renamed $user_picture in Drupal 7.
+ *
+ * @see template_preprocess()
+ * @see template_preprocess_node()
+ * @see zen_preprocess()
+ * @see zen_preprocess_node()
+ * @see zen_process()
+ */
+<div id="node-<?php print $node->nid; ?>" class="<?php print $classes; ?> clearfix">
+  <?php print $user_picture; ?>
+  <?php if (!$page && $title): ?>
+    <h2 class="title"><a href="<?php print $node_url; ?>"><?php print $title; ?></a></h2>
+  <?php endif; ?>
+  <?php if ($unpublished): ?>
+    <div class="unpublished"><?php print t('Unpublished'); ?></div>
+  <?php endif; ?>
+  <?php if ($display_submitted || $terms): ?>
+    <div class="meta">
+      <?php if ($display_submitted): ?>
+        <span class="submitted">
+          <?php print $submitted; ?>
+        </span>
+      <?php endif; ?>
+      <?php if ($terms): ?>
+        <div class="terms terms-inline"><?php print $terms; ?></div>
+      <?php endif; ?>
+    </div>
+  <?php endif; ?>
+  <div class="content">
+    <?php print $content; ?>
+  </div>
+  <?php print $links; ?>
+</div><!-- /.node -->

Modified: zen-tts/template.php
--- zen-tts/template.php	2011-05-29 23:10:23 UTC (rev 63)
+++ zen-tts/template.php	2011-05-31 19:03:58 UTC (rev 64)
@@ -113,9 +113,7 @@
  * @param $hook
  *   The name of the template being rendered ("node" in this case.)
-/* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function
 function tts_preprocess_node(&$vars, $hook) {
-  $vars['sample_variable'] = t('Lorem ipsum.');
   // Optionally, run node-type-specific preprocess functions, like
   // tts_preprocess_node_page() or tts_preprocess_node_story().
@@ -124,8 +122,80 @@
     $function($vars, $hook);
-// */
+function tts_preprocess_node_voice_map(&$vars, $hook) {
+  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'tts') .'/voicemap.css');
+  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'tts') .'/voicemap.js');
+  $voicemap_constants = array(
+    0 => array(
+      'posx' => 275,
+      'posy' => 388,
+    ),
+    1 => array(
+      'posx' => 240,
+      'posy' => 336,
+    ),
+    2 => array(
+      'posx' => 200,
+      'posy' => 401,
+    ),
+    3 => array(
+      'posx' => 185,
+      'posy' => 287,
+    ),
+    4 => array(
+      'posx' => 226,
+      'posy' => 166,
+    ),
+    5 => array(
+      'posx' => 302,
+      'posy' => 131,
+    ),
+    6 => array(
+      'posx' => 340,
+      'posy' => 231,
+    ),
+    7 => array(
+      'posx' => 333,
+      'posy' => 342,
+    ),
+    8 => array(
+      'posx' => 413,
+      'posy' => 170,
+    ),
+    9 => array(
+      'posx' => 408,
+      'posy' => 335,
+    ),
+    10 => array(
+      'posx' => 321,
+      'posy' => 449,
+    ),
+    11 => array(
+      'posx' => 389,
+      'posy' => 505,
+    ),
+  );
+//   dpm($voicemap_constants);
+  $vars['voicemap'] = array();
+  foreach ($vars['field_voice_text'] as $order_id => $text) {
+    $vars['voicemap'][$order_id] = array();
+    $vars['voicemap'][$order_id]['posx'] = $voicemap_constants[$order_id]['posx'];
+    $vars['voicemap'][$order_id]['posy'] = $voicemap_constants[$order_id]['posy'];
+    $vars['voicemap'][$order_id]['text'] = $text['view'];
+  }
  * Override or insert variables into the comment templates.

Added: zen-tts/voicemap.css
--- zen-tts/voicemap.css	                        (rev 0)
+++ zen-tts/voicemap.css	2011-05-31 19:03:58 UTC (rev 64)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+.voicemap {
+  position:relative;
+.voicemap .bubble {
+  cursor: pointer;
+  position:absolute;
+  width: 50px;
+  display: none;
+.voicemap .bubble.first {
+  display: block;
+.voicemap .bubble-img {
+  cursor: pointer;
+  position:absolute
+.voicemap .voice-wrapper {
+  cursor: pointer;
+  position:relative;
+  top:0px;
+  left:0px;
+  z-index: 10;
+  color: #fff;
+.voicemap .voice-wrapper p {
+  margin: 0;
+  color: #fff;
+#imagen {
+   margin: 0px auto 0px -10px;
+   padding: 0;
+   border: none;
+   width: 711px;
+   height: 476px;
+   max-height: 476px;
+.novisible {
+   display:none;
+   background:#99478a;
+   position:absolute;
+   color: white;
+   font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+   font-size: 14px;
+   top:0px;
+   border: none;
+   /* font-weight: bold; */
+   margin: 0px auto;
+   color: #FFF;
+   padding: 10px;
+   filter:alpha(opacity=70);
+   -moz-opcity: 0.7;
+   opacity: 0.7;
+   text-align: justify;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: zen-tts/voicemap.js
--- zen-tts/voicemap.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ zen-tts/voicemap.js	2011-05-31 19:03:58 UTC (rev 64)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Drupal.behaviors.voicemap = function(context) {
+  // JS Code for the voice map, from calamar original idea.
+  function show_button(id) {
+    $('#button' + id).fadeIn('slow');
+  }
+  function show_text(id) {
+    $('.voice-text').stop(true, true).slideUp('normal');
+    $('#text' + id).slideDown('slow');
+  }
+  function hide_text(id) {
+    $('#text' + id).slideUp('slow');
+  }
+  $('.buble-img').mouseover(function(e) {
+      var elem = $(this);
+      var id = parseInt(elem.attr('id').substr(3));
+      var next_id = id + 1;
+      show_button(next_id);
+      show_text(id);
+  });
+  $('.buble-img').mouseout(function(e) {
+      var elem = $(this);
+      var id = parseInt(elem.attr('id').substr(3));
+      hide_text(id);
+      elem.fadeTo('normal',0.6);
+  });
\ No newline at end of file

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