[Startrekk-users] Account details for AgadetinoMara at Super Star Trekk

gfgsdf sdfgs fsfdgdgsdfg at mail.ru
Thu Aug 26 09:38:02 CEST 2010

Do not auto-approve this forum account, it was created by a forum spammer.

The account which created this forum account did so using automated means. The reason was so that he could post a forum account and then use it to automatically post thousands of fake messages to your forum to promote some form of ridiculous product there.

In all likelihood your website has nothing to do with whatever this idiot is promoting, but in any case you definitely do not want to be promoting this scumbag's websites.

Delete this account, and any other account tied to the email address which sent you this automated response.

The way to prevent this activity from continuing is to make all new registrations require a more complex, secure password. Increase the required length and make sure it requires uppercase, lowercase and punctuation characters. Do not allow automated self-registration of new accounts. If you've been getting a lot of messages like the one you're reading now, that means your forum is still far too easy to register at, even if you manually approve the accounts.

Apologies for any further inconveniences this message causes.


Random Digilante


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