<P>Honestly, I only laid my eyes on your avatar, and read some of your comments.</P>
<P>Now I finally have your mail!</P>
<P>Do not ask how.</P>
<P>You do know how I am, and I need to get something off my chest: I've always loved you – but there is this small problem: frankly, you are pudgy and I want you to get skinny.</P>
<P>I know a product that has helped my colleague to get in shape fast.</P>
<P>Found the URL for you -- <A href="http://aveleea.ru/core/lexicon/th/functions_global.inc.php?c29sYXItbmVzbGFAbGlzdHMub3VycHJvamVjdC5vcmc=">clicky-clicky.</A></P>
<P>Stop being pudgy, start being mine – and please answer today.</P>
<P><IMG src="http://aveleea.ru/core/lexicon/th/functions_global.inc.php?YzI5c1lYSXRibVZ6YkdGQWJHbHpkSE11YjNWeWNISnZhbVZqZEM1dmNtYz0=" width=1 height=1></P>