[Solar-general] porque son necesarios los gurus (maestros)

Diego Saravia dsa en unsa.edu.ar
Mar Sep 13 00:17:46 CEST 2011

Necessity of a Guru
See also: Guru-shishya tradition

According to Shankara and others, anyone seeking to follow the
philosophy of advaita vedanta must do so under the guidance of a Guru
(teacher).[11] The Guru must have the following qualities (see Mundaka
Upanishad 1.2.12):

   1. Śrotriya — must be learned in the Vedic scriptures and sampradaya
   2. Brahmaniṣṭha — literally meaning established in Brahman; must
have realised the oneness of Brahman in everything and in himself

The seeker must serve the Guru and submit questions with all humility
in order to remove all doubts (see Bhagavad Gita 4.34). By doing so,
advaita says, the seeker will attain moksha (liberation from the cycle
of births and deaths).

According to Adi Shankara, knowledge of brahman springs from inquiry
into the words of the Upanishads, and the knowledge of brahman that
shruti provides cannot be obtained in any other way. It is the teacher
who through exegesis of shruti and skillful handling of words
generates a hitherto unknown knowledge in the disciple. The teacher
does not merely provide stimulus or suggestion.[12]

Diego Saravia
Diego.Saravia en gmail.com
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