[Solar-general] [SOLAR - Software Libre Argentina] Las novedades

Marcos G. marcos en ovejafm.com
Lun Dic 19 14:22:38 CET 2011

On Lun 19 Dic 2011 00:09:42 Galindo Sanchez escribió:
> GPL, copyleft use declining faster than ever Data suggests a sharper rate
> of decline, which raises the question: why?
> http://www.itworld.com/it-managementstrategy/233753/gpl-copyleft-use-declin
> ing-faster-ever
> -----------------------
> Mexico - BsAs

"Before the license revision, the GPL helped to unify the community, and the FSF, as the creator and 
enforcer of the GPL, had a strong presence in the community. Now, GPLv2 is viewed as the version 
favored by open source supporters, GPLv3 as the version for free software advocates--and not only 
does the whole free software philosophy looks weaker, but the split between open source and free 
software is wider than ever."

                   Marcos Guglielmetti
::::::::::::::::::      M U S I X   :::::::::::::::::::::                  
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