[Solar-general] OFFTOPIC: La sal no sala, pero me sirve pal auto!

Fernando Marcelo el.zoona en gmail.com
Dom Mayo 2 05:29:45 CEST 2010

Yo se que "leer" suena aburrido y paso de moda, pero ya que la cosa
retro/vintage pega fuerte hoy en dia me tome la libertad de buscar un
toque sobre el asunto :-P.

Conclusion: los periodistas sacan una idea errada de todo el asunto,
nada novedoso dicho sea de paso.

Later in 2007, Kanzius announced that the same radio frequency
transmitter  can also be used to generate a hydrogen-oxygen mixture
dissociated from salt water.[14][17]  The discovery was made
accidentally while he was researching the use of radio waves for
desalination. Kanzius said that "In this case we weren't looking for
energy, we were looking for something that might do desalinization.
The more we tried desalinization, the more heat we produced, until we
got fire".[17]  Kanzius admitted that this process could not be
considered an energy source, as more energy is used to produce the RF
signal than can be obtained from the burning gas and stated in July
2007 that he never claimed his discovery would replace oil, asserting
only that his discovery was "thought provoking."[18]  The details of
the process are still unreleased pending the issuance of a patent.[18]

According to Roy, "The salt water isn't burning per se, despite
appearances. The radio frequencies act to weaken the bonds between the
elements that make up salt water, releasing the hydrogen. Once
ignited, the hydrogen will burn as long as it is exposed to the
frequencies."[20] The temperature and flame color varies with water
solutions and concentrations.[20]


Desafortunadamente la fisica es implacable. Nunca se puede obtener mas
energia de la que se aplica. Obviamente que es muchisimo mas facil
decir que no considerar esto como un remplazo del petroleo es obra de
las petroleras y el NWO que estudiar Fisica :-P.

P.S.: En el video traducen la cantidad de calor como 1500 grados
celsius, y en un articulo en un diario ingles tambien. Yo estoy casi
seguro que escuche "15 hundred", ademas de que a 1500 grados el agua
se evaporaria instantaneamente (y el vidrio se funde a los 1500

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