[Solar-general] "Si quieren venir que vengan... " - The Five Worst Pizzas In the World: Buenos Aires
Fernando Cassia
fcassia en gmail.com
Lun Abr 19 02:28:15 CEST 2010
Que digan que las aceitunas enteras son "grandes como testículos" lo
dice todo. Si no saben comer una aceituna entera es porque nunca
salieron de USA donde las aceitunas, si es que están, te las pican
como puré...
2010/4/18 Marcos Germán Guglielmetti <marcos en ovejafm.com>:
> On Sunday 18 April 2010 18:06:51 Fernando Cassia wrote:
>> Esto ¿no merece como mínimo la quema de la embajada norteamericana?. ;-))
>> The Five Worst Pizzas In the World: Buenos Aires
>> <http://tipthepizzaguy.com/discussion/thread.php?num=17210&ip=2>
>> OK, esto merece una agresión lisa y llana...
> sali poco y nada de la argentina, pero la gente que paseó x todo el mundo dice
> que la pizza argentina es mucho más rica que, por ejemplo, la italiana
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>------- Buenos Aires, Argentina
>> For the most part, don’t even bother with pizza in Buenos Aires. It’s
>> about the most disgusting thing ever cooked in a country full of
>> things that are perfectly cooked. Get thee to a meatery and skip this
>> nonsense.
>> Don’t believe me? Witness big goops of cheese that taste like year-old
>> butter. Add Oregano to cover the sweating fromage, which overpowers
>> any hope for a cohesive taste. Toss on green olives the size of human
>> testicles, just to make the whole thing seem even less palatable
>> than…testicles.
>> The cheese is the problem here – somehow the Argentines know what to
>> do with the meaty part of the cow but they have no idea what to do
>> with the milky part. It sweats as if masturbating, defending a pie of
>> oozy things that can’t be wiped up with a paper towel (it adheres to
>> the slop and only makes it worse).
>> If you must eat a pizza in Buenos Aires, I highly recommend that you
>> eat out. Anything delivered will arrive on one side of the box,
>> looking more like a swollen eye than a pizza pie.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> http://tipthepizzaguy.com/discussion/thread.php?num=17210&ip=2
>> FC
> --
> Marcos Guglielmetti
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