[Solar-general] traducir librelist al español ¿quien se suma? | to translate librelist to spanish

Marcos Guglielmetti marcos en ovejafm.com
Mar Nov 17 19:18:55 CET 2009


Hi Zed

¿could we translate ALL the texts at librelist.com and the mailing (subscribe, 
confirm, create, etc) texts?



Estuve usando desde hoy este maravilloso proyecto SL


que informó Nicolás hace poco

El problema q veo, es que si bien es fácil subscribirse, etc., toda la info 
está en inglés, tanto en el sitio como en los mails q te llegan, lo cual lo 
haría poco popular a los fines práticos en este país y en otros lados ¿se 
animan a traducirlo? yo me animo, sólo que quizá necesite ayuda para algunos 

Home Lists Archives Help
Lamson Project
Zed Shaw
Welcome to librelist.com
Librelist.com is a free as in freedom mailing list site for open source 
projects. It is a place for FOSS communities to discuss all the things they 
want without ads, censorship, signup requirements, bundled apps, or 
requirements that you use any particular email client or service.
Anyone Can Make A List
You can make a mailing list by simply sending an email to list en librelist.com, 
and if it doesn’t exist, it will make it for you and subscribe you. That’s 
all there is to it, and no restrictions on making the lists.
If the list exists already, then you’re subscribed and your original email is 
sent to them.
Anyone Can Subscribe To A List
You also subscribe to a list by simply sending your first message to 
list en librelist.com. It will then confirm you and send your original email on 
to the list. No special subscribe addresses, difficult workflows, or endless 
help references. Just send an email.
Nobody Can Be Taken Off
The “libre” in the name means freedom for everyone to discuss their opinions, 
so nobody will have the right to boot you off or enforce arbitrary “list 
Nazi” rules simply because you disagree with them.
That of course doesn’t mean you should act like a jerk, but the librelist.com 
philosophy is that healthy communities can survive and need “trolls”.
Spam And Bounce Blocking
Spam is heavily blocked on all lists to keep things clean. We will also 
periodically ban anonymous email services if they become a vector for abuse.
Bounced emails are caught and anyone who bounces has all of their 
subscriptions paused until they can fix the problem and reinstate themselves.
Current Status
As of 19 JUL 2009 the system is running and mailing lists are functional, with 
bounce detection running.
Archives are up in basic form at /browser/ and there’s also rsync access to 
the mailing list archives. Mail put into the archives is cleansed of most 
headers that don’t matter to the conversation and the sender’s email address 
is spam-protected a little bit.

Marcos Guglielmetti

La lista solar-general es un canal de comunicación de SoLAr por el libre 
intercambio de ideas de todos los interesados en el movimiento de software 
libre. Debido a su libre suscripción y publicación, y dado que no existe 
ningún tipo de moderación previa ni posterior, es un excelente lugar para 
compartir opiniones, elaborar políticas y prácticas por el Software Libre en 
Argentina y el mundo. Tal como dice en ourproject: "La lista de todos y todas 
en solar" http://ourproject.org/mail/?group_id=23

Te invitamos a subscribirte entrando en:

Más información sobre la lista de distribución Solar-general