[Solar-general] "for the freedom of speech"
Marcos Guglielmetti
marcos en ovejafm.com
Jue Mar 19 17:32:27 CET 2009
Re: [GNU-linux-libre] Introducing
jaromil <jaromil en dyne.org>
gnu-linux-libre en nongnu.org
19/03/09 09:06
Not enough information to check signature validity. Mostrar los
re all,
i was born in 1977 and grew up in south of Italy, later living as
nomad around Europe, Middle-East and Asia since 2000 (but never been
to Americas), developing adopting and promoting free software. while
being around i've established several links as the "dyne.org network"
which is now 8 years old: today we keep in contact several hackers
worldwide, all from heterogeneous backgrounds, all willing to focus on
development for the freedom of speech (so free software is a obvious
this document details better dyne.org current intentions
you'll find further informations on my own activities in the base url
our network links distribution maintainers, hackers, artists and
activists, who are involved in software projects (
http://dyne.org/software.php ) as well activist initiatives as
((i))ndymedia, http://streamtime.org , http://www.hackmeeting.org ,
M2M radio http://m2m.streamtime.org and some more hacker gatherings
and art festivals - we also collaborate with educational institutions
(that's how i make a living myself) of either technical or humanistic
backgrounds, where we advocate interdisciplinary activities and use of
free software.
dyne.org doesn't aims at becoming a business, at monetizing our
activity or sustaining people involved: it shares a political mission
among linked people to fight corporate hegemony, capitalist
prevarications and neo-colonialism, especially in crisis areas. we
see free/libre software as a non-competitive model for development,
being very keen to merge and link projects when their quality and
usefulness will benefit, our objective is not "being the best", but
having better free tools for all, to do what we need to do in our own
at present time the free distribution I and I maintain is dyne:bolic,
written from scratch (with some unique features) and focusing on
multimedia production and computer recycling. its manual is currently
being translated in spanish by volunteers from Oaxaca, a crisis zone
in southern Mexico where they need to take advantage of the strong
encryption implemented into the system, a technology i strongly
encourage to include by default in all our OS implementations.
The Linux-libre kernel is more recent than our latest d:b OS release,
so the next one will surely include this kernel and our 3.0 release
should be based on Gnewsense and pure:dyne.
on my own desktops i use FREEEEE (BLAG 90k) and Gnewsense, doing my
best to study both worlds (Debian and Fedora). I'm an enthusiastic
Emacs user and my favourite extension is muse-el by Michael Olson
at present times i'm mostly busy with development of FreeJ, which
received also moderated funding here in Netherlands where i'm
currently living, involving a larger group of talented developers to
reach the point when we have a software "vision mixer" for online TV
production, scriptable in javascript, python and what not (swig!)
FreeJ is one of the few tools present in Debian and other distros to
stream ogg/theora video and actually the only one to do live video
manipulation at the same time. My dream is one day to be able to
control FreeJ from Emacs, a bit like my friend Martin is doing with
Gneve http://1010.co.uk/gneve.html :)
something more than a year ago i've applied to be an FSF speaker,
having good rhetoric skills and quite some success in advocating libre
software in Asia and Europe, i keep ears open for any advice and
better contact with the wider and well experienced community around
the FSF, to contribute at my best to *our mission* ! yes, sometimes it
feels like being in "blues brothers" :)
thanks for setting up this mailinglist! i really needed it,
esp. since Jebba pulled out from development, i was mostly in contact
with him and always lacked some better touch with all of you guys
Marcos Guglielmetti - www.musix.org.ar Software Libre para Artistas
"El Mundo festejó cuando fue derribado el Muro de Berlín de solo 38km
de extensión, este
muro de apartheid en Palestina ya lleva 800 km y está proyectado que
llegue a los 1200. Un
muro que separa vidas, familias, escuelas de alumnos, imaginense ese
Muro de Buenos Aires a
En la vida no se sabe cuando se va a recibir el vuelto por las
acciones que se generan. "
www.ovejafm.com | Oveja Electrónica
Software Libre en FM Futura 90.5 y en Internet
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