Re: [Solar-general] Fwd: Gobierno de Reino Unido adopta software libre y estándares abiertos

Hernan Olivera lholivera en
Jue Feb 26 20:44:08 CET 2009

Trabajo para SOLAR-LABS?? ;-bb

2009/2/26 Martín Olivera <martin.olivera en>

> 2009/2/26 Hernan Olivera <lholivera en>
>> Alguien sabe si existe en alguna parte un mapa de los paises que van
>> adoptando sl? si no, estaria bueno hacer uno para ver como avanza la cosa en
>> el mundo
> sip, estaria bueno, hay data vieja en, pero mapa no
> he visto
>> 2009/2/26 rafael bonifaz <rafael.bonifaz en>
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Alberto Barrionuevo <abarrio en>
>>> Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 14:59:00 +0100
>>> Subject: Gobierno de Reino Unido adopta software libre y estándares
>>> abiertos
>>> To: networkadmin-commits en
>>> Hola,
>>> parece que la crisis y los abultados déficits públicos están favoreciendo
>>> la
>>> adopción pública del software libre en el mundo. Ahora ya no se puede
>>> derrochar con tanta alegría y ya cada vez menos gobiernos pueden esconder
>>> que
>>> atarse a un proveedor de software privativo es un derroche y un hipoteca
>>> a
>>> futuro.
>>> Y básicamente eso es lo que ha anunciado el Gobierno del Reino Unido, uno
>>> de
>>> los más acuciados por la crisis en Europa:
>>> ===
>>> UK government backs open source
>>> Open source software allows users to read and alter code
>>> The UK government has said it will accelerate the use of open
>>> source software in public services.
>>> Tom Watson MP, minister for digital engagement, said open source
>>> software would be on a level playing field with proprietary software
>>> such as Windows.
>>> Open source software will be adopted "when it delivers best value for
>>> money", the government said.
>>> It added that public services should where possible avoid being "locked
>>> into proprietary software".
>>> Licenses for the use of open source software are generally free of
>>> charge and embrace open standards, and the code that powers the
>>> programs can be modified without fear of trampling on intellectual
>>> property or copyright.
>>> According to some in the open source industry, the shift from
>>> proprietary standards could save the government £600m a year.
>>> Simon Phipps, chief open source officer for Sun Microsystems, said the
>>> UK government's stance was part of a "global wave" of take up for
>>> open source in governments.
>>> ?
>>> Open source can help avoid many of the hidden costs of
>>> proprietary software ?
>>> Steve Shine, Ingres
>>> "We waste a fortune on proprietary computer software because of
>>> paying for licenses and promises up front and not demanding value,"
>>> he said.
>>> Mr Phipps said schools, government departments and public services
>>> would have a "crucial freedom" because of the choice of whether to
>>> pay for support and training when using open source software.
>>> The government's action plan could see a wave of open source
>>> software being deployed in areas such as office applications (word
>>> processing and spreadsheets), document management and database
>>> infrastructure, the backbone of many large-scale IT systems.
>>> 'More teeth'
>>> Steve Shine, European vice president of Ingres, an open source
>>> support vendor, said the government's action plan had "more teeth"
>>> than policies being adopted in other countries because the plan was
>>> tied into policies regarding how IT managers procure new software.
>>> He said the move had partly been driven by a series of high-profile IT
>>> failures in recent years that had relied on proprietary software.
>>> He said: "Open source can help avoid many of the hidden costs of
>>> proprietary software such as making organisations re-pay for licenses
>>> if they want to shift use of a particular piece of software from one
>>> place
>>> to another.
>>> "This is irrelevant in the open source world."
>>> Announcing an open source and open standards action plan, the
>>> government said it would:
>>> ensure that the government adopts open standards and uses
>>> these to communicate with the citizens and businesses that have
>>> adopted open source solutions
>>> ensure that open source solutions are considered properly and,
>>> where they deliver best value for money are selected for
>>> government business solutions
>>> strengthen the skills, experience and capabilities within
>>> government and in its suppliers to use open source to greatest
>>> advantage
>>> embed an open source culture of sharing, re-use and
>>> collaborative development across government and its suppliers
>>> ensure that systems integrators and proprietary software
>>> suppliers demonstrate the same flexibility and ability to re-use
>>> their solutions and products as is inherent in open source.
>>> Government departments will be required to adopt open source
>>> software when "there is no significant overall cost difference between
>>> open and non-open source products" because of its "inherent
>>> flexibility".
>>> Expected backlash
>>> Mr Phipps and Mr Shine said they expected a backlash from proprietary
>>> software firms.
>>> "I am absolutely certain there have been communications extremely
>>> high-up in proprietary vendors with management high up in
>>> government," said Mr Shine.
>>> Mr Phipps added: "Measured over the short term traditional vendors
>>> will cut prices back, end load contacts and do everything to appear
>>> cheaper.
>>> "But the real value with open source comes from giving users a new
>>> flexibility."
>>> He said the widespread adoption of open source software in public
>>> services could also have a knock on effect to the ordinary consumer.
>>> "It's already happening to significant extent in the UK. Lots of homes
>>> are using Firefox and
>>> "It is becoming acceptable and expected."
>>> ===
>>> Saludos,
>>> --
>>> Alberto Barrionuevo
>>> Ex President FFII
>>> For FFII matters, please, contact to President Benjamin Henrion
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Hernan Olivera
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