Re: [Solar-general] (mas jugo :)[Fwd: [Team] “peace agreement” with SOLAR, Vía Libre, FSFs?]]
Diego Saravia
dsa en
Sab Ago 1 09:36:00 CEST 2009
> - I don't like the fact that there's a need to clean up our name, but it
> is hard to believe that it's not there, so we might as well do
something about it, or resign ourselves to its remaining there.
muy cierto.
ahora no es cuestion de "limpiar el nombre"
que el nombre este sucio es un reflejo profundo de actitudes interiores
hay que cambiar muchas cosas y dejar de ensuciar, cuando eso pase, se podra
limpiar el nombre
> Regardless, perhaps we need to renew our web site so as to reflect what
> we are today. I'm not suggesting that we remove or hide our history,
> but rather that we write down the chapters that followed, so that we
> don't present such outdated snapshots as if they were current.
ahora se esconde, se intento mostrar que no pasaba nada, que no hubo un
cambio, se intenta esconder
Diego Saravia
Diego.Saravia en
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