[Solar-general] Fwd: pioneer effort in South America: ODF established as National Standard

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica en gmail.com
Mie Sep 10 20:33:17 CEST 2008


El Miércoles, 10 de Septiembre de 2008 15:51, Quiliro Ordóñez 
 | La noticia en http://asle.ec
 | ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 | From: Quiliro Ordóñez <quiliro en gmail.com>
 | Date: 2008/9/10
 | Subject: pioneer effort in South America: ODF established as
 | National Standard
 | To: office-comment en lists.oasis-open.org
 | ISO 26300 has been established as a National Standard in Ecuador
 | as a pioneer effort to libre
 | <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libre>standards in South America.
 | Today ODF (OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications) was
 | approved as ISO/INEN national standard by the Ecuadorian
 | Standardization National Institute (INEN) by the subcomitee in
 | charge of its study.
 | ISO 26300 standard is the first standard related with libre
 | software that is approved in Ecuador. This way, the southamerican
 | country becomes one of the first to impulse libre formats.
 | Ecuador decreed as government policy the use of libre software in
 | national government agencies. It is a step forward in the
 | advancement towards freedom of knowledge in the area of software.
 | The standard is not mandatory, as is common with the majority of
 | the standards approved by the ecuadorian standards organism.
 | Nevertheless, it is relevant for the fact that it is approved
 | after more than 5 months of debate between members of the Free
 | Software Asociation of Ecuador - ASLE, Microsoft delegates (except
 | for the final approval meeting) and of important companies in the
 | private and public (including the Secretary of Infortation
 | Technology of the Presidency of Ecuador).
 | --
 | Saludos/Greetings
 | Quiliro Ordóñez
 | 593(02)340 1517 / 593(09)821 8696
 | http://quiliro.wordpress.com
 | Artículos recientes:
 | - Análisis del aborto y otras cosillas en la Constitución
 | - Crea tu propia distro GNU o Cómo escoger una distro
 | - Requisistos para ser miembro de las cabezas de gobierno

Marcos Guglielmetti - www.foros.musix.es | Soporte comunitario

"Esa sociedad de redes recapitula las contiendas entre las clases, 
comunidades y grupos, tradicionales en toda la sociedad. Sin embargo, 
recapitula estas contiendas de una nueva manera, precisamente porque 
se nos permite compartir. "

Eben Moglen, FSF. http://www.mastermagazine.info/articulo/13220.php
Banda: http://libraabedul.wordpress.com/

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