[Solar-general] encriptacion celular
Alejandro René Fernández Blanco
alejandrorfb en gmail.com
Vie Mayo 30 23:34:42 CEST 2008
El día 30 de mayo de 2008 0:14, Diego Saravia <dsa en unsa.edu.ar> escribió:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3XD-5Etaok
> alguien tiene idea si hay soft libre para hacer esto?
Acá tenés algunos proyectos relacionados que encontré con la cadena
encryption mobile phone y hay mucho más:
talkLock is voice encryption software for your cell phone. talkLock
includes a server component so that you own all points of encryption
and decryption of your communications.
stores a free text field strongly encrypted on a cell-phone or PDA
using AES encryption with 256 bit -- can be used for storing
passwords, pins and other sensitive data
This tool provides an J2ME Application for your mobile phone for
sending SMS ciphered (DES, 3DES, IDEA, RC2, Blowfish, AES, Rijandel).
SecretBox is an open-source, high-safety password manager for
Windows/Linux/J2ME devices. You can build the passwords list
conveniently in PC side, encrypt it by a master password, and upload
to your mobile phone.
Yet an other password protector. This is pure text terminal based, so
all you need is a shell account, with a little file space and gpg. I
use putty (ssh client) from my cell phone when I'm not in front of a
EncDroid is an application for the Open Handset Alliance Project
Android. The main goal is to securely encrypt phone calls in a
transparent way between two phones running Android.
An encription software and platform developed in C# that implements
the JDEA encription algorithm.
CivilAction lets you create a Choose Your Own Adventure type story
that can be played on Java enabled cell phone. A desktop application
lets you write story files. People run the story on their phone. Make
a 'Tresure hunt' or 'Amaze Race' type game.
Alejandro Rene "El Corrector Empedernido" Fernandez Blanco
Fechas para el Cuarto Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de
La Plata: del 18 al 26 de octubre de 2008.
Posible Fecha para el Quinto Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación
de Software Libre (FLISOL): 25 de abril de 2009.
Software Freedom Day: tercer Sabado de cada Septiembre.
Miembro de PLUG (Argentina).
Petitorio contra el Programa de Malversacion miPC
Colaborador Segundo Encuentro Estratégico de Software Libre - CRISOL
Argentina 2006 http://www.crisolargentina.org.ar
Coordinador General de FLISOL La Plata 2005, 2007 y 2008:
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