[Solar-general] OT: Te cobramos u$50 extra para no ponerte mierda en la compu.

Diego Saravia dsa en unsa.edu.ar
Sab Mar 22 00:35:51 CET 2008

impresionante confesion

2008/3/22, Sebastian Bassi <sbassi en clubdelarazon.org>:
> Sony (y otros!) vende las computadoras llena de bloatware, y
>  aplicaciones que nadie pidio, demos, trails, asistentes para esto y
>  aquello, y mucho software preinstalado arriba del Windows. Ahora
>  venden una opcion de que por 50 dolares te la dan con Windows
>  "pelado". Esto explica porque varios vendedores que ofrecen pcs sin
>  windows, lo hacen mas caro que con linux a pesar que el linux no les
>  cuesta nada y el Windows si. Es que con Windows pueden cargar todas
>  estas porquerias que varias empresas les pagan por cargar, como AOL y
>  otros.
>  Pero cobrar para dar algo con menos cosas es como vender un sandguich
>  y cobrar mas caro por no ponerle mayonesa :)
>  Fuente: SJMN, nota (sin los links):
>  The bane of many a brand-new computer is the steaming pile of crapware
>  that often comes preloaded -- assorted trial, demo and promo software
>  that the manufacturer is paid to foist upon hapless buyers. Unless you
>  go through the tedious drill of removing it bit by bit, it sits around
>  soaking up disk space, slowing down the machine and generally being a
>  chronic annoyance. By reputation, one of the worst offenders has been
>  Sony, and some tech savvy buyers have taken to wiping their new
>  machines clean on receipt and doing a fresh, clean reload of the
>  operating system. But being the consumer-sensitive company it is, Sony
>  decided to start offering its laptops free of the bloatware. A good
>  idea except for one misstep. Sony initially intended to charge you an
>  extra $50 to have your machine de-crapified before delivery. In the
>  custom configuration for one laptop so far, an upgrade option called
>  Fresh Start is available that will give you the uncluttered machine
>  you wanted to buy in the first place. Oh, and to even get the option
>  to pay for Fresh Start, you'd have to upgrade to Vista Business
>  Edition for $100 more. Reaction across the blogosphere came fast and
>  hard, justifiably ripping Sony for weaselhood in the first degree --
>  so fast and hard that Sony immediately reversed itself and declared
>  that the Fresh Start option would be free, at least for those who opt
>  for the Vista Business upgrade.
>  Nice recovery, I suppose, but what were they thinking? Kind of like a
>  restaurant that says, "All sandwiches include Vegemite, but for an
>  extra $2, we'll scrape it off."
>  --
>  Sebastián Bassi (セバスティアン). Diplomado en Ciencia y Tecnología.
>  Curso Biologia molecular para programadores: http://tinyurl.com/2vv8w6
>  Remate remera Slashdot donación SOLAR: http://tinyurl.com/2gex2l
>  Mostrá tu código: http://www.pastecode.com.ar
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Diego Saravia
Diego.Saravia en gmail.com
NO FUNCIONA->dsa en unsa.edu.ar

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