Re: [Solar-general] ya se que estan todos para decir feliz navidad y año nuevo....

Sebastian Bassi sbassi en
Mie Dic 31 04:01:06 CET 2008

2008/12/30 Juan Carlos Gentile Fagundez <jucar at>:
> seria de organizar una netstrike para parar a los judios de matar palestinos
> en GAZA.

De los 4000
No pretendo convencer a nadie, pero mando esto para que al menos
tengan la información completa (y no lean las noticias desde un solo
punto de vista):

New York, NY, December 28, 2008 … In response to Israel's retaliatory
attack on Hamas in Gaza, Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL), issued the following statement:

    Israel's attack on Hamas represents the most fundamental right and
responsibility of any government to protect its people.

    The circumstances behind Israel's military action are stark,
including continuous Hamas rocket and artillery fire on Israeli
civilians; the open commitment of Hamas to Israel's destruction; the
huge Hamas buildup of more sophisticated weapons ultimately also
targeted at Israeli civilians; and the holding of Israel soldier Gilad
Shalit incommunicado for three years, against all rules of
international behavior.  No government could act differently in the
face of such challenges.

    At the same time, despite the placement by Hamas of its terrorist
infrastructure in the heart of its own civilian population, another
violation of international law, Israel took great care to avoid
civilian casualties. Undoubtedly, it will continue to do so.

    This is an important moment in the struggle against Islamic
extremism. The international community and all those who seek the rule
of law, moderation and democracy should now stand with Israel, as the
United States has done, in this effort to turn the tide against the
extremists who not only threaten Israel, but the whole Middle East and
the entire civilized world.

> Es un horror.

Me pregunto porque nadie dijo "es un horror" cuando caian los cohetes
y morteros en blancos civiles en Israel hace apenas unos dias.
Supongo que será porque ya estamos acostumbrados.

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