[Solar-general] Theora video backend para Firefox

Guillermo Movia guillermo.movia en gmail.com
Mar Ago 5 18:01:19 CEST 2008

Perdón por enviarlo en inglés, pero no tengo tiempo de traducirlo.
Igualmente sólo puede probarse con las versiones de pruebas diarias

Theora video backend for Firefox landed
It was announced at the Mozilla Summit that Firefox will include
native Theora and Vorbis support for the HTML 5 media elements. Chris
Double writes, "The backend has been committed to the main Mozilla
source code and is enabled by default. You can download nightly builds
and test it out. An example of a live site that uses video is the
Wikimedia video archive. This original commit is a work in progress.
There are unimplemented bits, bugs, etc that need to be sorted out.
But it's a start towards using a common codec across all platforms and
will improve as we get towards the 3.1 release."

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