[Solar-general] "I think the time may have come to declare the
A/DeMuDi project closed."
Marcos Guglielmetti
marcospcmusica en gmail.com
Lun Ene 15 19:18:34 CET 2007
Es una pena porque A/DeMuDi es una distro que tenía gran cantidad de
usuarios, aportó mucho al SL en realación al audio, música, multimedia, y es
considerada 100% libre por FSF.
No está todo dicho, pero ciertamente, sin ningún trabajo serio en esta distro
desde abril de 2005, es abandonware: software abandonado, y reemplazado por
64studio, creado por parte de lo que era el equipo de A/DeMuDi, que al no
tener más financiación por parte de una empresa que ayudaba, decidió seguir
su propio camino comercial... aunque no sé qué nivel de compromiso con el
software 100% libre tiene 64studio, más teniendo en cuenta que deriva de
ubuntu, pero, ya digo, no lo sé, al menos el kernel parece 100%, dado que
además es recompilado especialmente para las tareas multimedia.
Este es un mail esclarecedor sobre la situación:
Re: [a-users] Upgrading ardour in Demudi 1.2.0 + Re : test
De: Daniel James <daniel en 64studio.com>
Para: tim hall <tim en glastonburymusic.org.uk>
CC: Andrea Glorioso <andrea en digitalpolicy.it>, AGNULA user forum
<users en lists.agnula.org>, Free Ekanayaka <free en 64studio.com>
Fecha: 15/01/07 13:06
Hi Tim,
> I'm using the 32bit packages, I can't
> help feeling this should be called 32studio ;)
I do know what you mean :-)
The idea behind keeping the name the same is that it shouldn't matter to
the user what kind of PC they have. So if you have a PC that is 32-bit
now, you can switch to amd64 when you get your next PC, and the
interface and all your settings will be preserved.
> I don't think I can
> personally provide any useful support for DeMuDi-1.2.0, it is very old now.
It will get harder and harder to install up-to-date applications on a
distro which is more than two years old. I think the last A/DeMuDi
release was 1.2.1-rc2 in April 2005.
> Is anyone else on this list still using 1.2? I think now might be a great
> time to all switch over to 32/64studio and positively support Daniel and
> as that is where the current development effort is happening.
Thanks for the suggestion - we would be very glad to provide a home for
former DeMuDi users; I am one myself, after all.
I don't know how the AGNULA/DeMuDi community feel about this idea, but I
think the time may have come to declare the A/DeMuDi project closed. I
can't decide that of course, since I was never a core member of the
A/DeMuDi team, but it does look like abandonware now. It might be better
to shoot it in the head rather than let it die slowly and painfully.
Here are a couple of positive suggestions I can offer:
1. Migrate the users en lists.agnula.org list to 64studio.com and make it a
general users list for people interested in Debian multimedia, whether
they are running old releases of DeMuDi or 32-bit builds of 64 Studio.
To do this, we would need the Mailman data from Andrea.
(As far as I can tell, lists on lists.agnula.org will carry on working
until the new registrants of agnula.org remember to delete the MX record
for the subdomain, which still points to the old box at
agnula.speech.kth.se, IP address The host record for
lists.agnula.org is now, the new registrant's site.)
2. Put out a press release saying that the DeMuDi project is now being
sponsored by 64 Studio Ltd. and that all former A/DeMuDi users have an
upgrade path to the 64 Studio 1.0 stable release. Post this news on the
homepage of agnula.info, and make demudi.org redirect to 64studio.com
instead of agnula.info.
The alternative would be to renew the agnula.org domain name (they are
only asking for US $8.50, but I wouldn't trust them with my Visa card),
re-launch the A/DeMuDi project, start working on new releases etc etc. I
personally think that would represent a massive and very unnecessary
duplication of effort.
Please let me know what you think.
Marcos Guglielmetti
* Director del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre
* CD Donwload: (http://www.musix.org.ar/en/)
* Videos, programas y otras cosas en: ftp://musix.ourproject.org/pub/musix/
* Reporte de errores a:
*IRC: #musix channel on freenode
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