[Solar-general] Usando Linux y software libre para llamar gratis a telefonos de Argentina

Daniel Olivera daniel en ututo.org
Vie Sep 29 19:53:14 CEST 2006

On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 14:36:55 -0300
"Sebastian Bassi" <sbassi en clubdelarazon.org> wrote:

> Publique como hacerlo en www.Linuxfacil.info
> Tambien se puede usar Windows y Mac, pero no digo como porque sino
> seria OT :)

Gizmo no es libre.
La licencia dice entre otras cosas en su EULA:

This Agreement grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable,
non-sublicensable right to use one copy of the Software for your own
personal use on a single computer and/or workstation. SIPphone reserves
all rights in the Software not expressly granted herein, including
without limitation ownership and proprietary rights.

License Restrictions
You may not reproduce or distribute the Software for any purpose
whatsoever. Without limiting the foregoing, you may not copy the
Software to any server or location for reproduction or distribution.
You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software.
The restrictions contained herein apply equally to any updates that may
be provided to you by SIPphone.

happy hacking!!
Daniel Olivera (Mate.Cosido) - UTUTO
"Al asesinato en masa los hombres lo llaman guerra"
"No digo nombre ni señas, solo digo compañeros"
"No soy mas libre por usar solamente software
libre. Soy mas libre porque se por que lo uso"

ICQ: 8368437 - Jabber: dolivera en jabber.org
IPv4/IPv6 site: www.ututo.org
Blog: daniel.ututo.org
SIP address: sip:ututo en iptel.org
UTUTO XS 2006 GNU System - 100% software libre
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