[Solar-general] DeMuDi y su tránsito hacia Debian

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica en yahoo.com.ar
Mie Ago 24 20:23:01 CEST 2005

El Jue 25 Ago 2005 00:05, Jorge Salgueiro escribió:
>> Teóricamente no hay nada no libre (en DeMuDi), pero es como dijiste vos, 
por su integración con Debian nada nos garantiza que sea libre siempre; 
> > si leés los papers para LAC2005 verás lo que planean
> para los que no vamos a leerlos ... que planean? ser un studio32?

	No: ahora busco esos documentos......

	Acá están: bernardini_et_al.pdf

Dejo solamente unos segmentos, que son los que nos interesan:

> 5.1 Development infrastructure The development infrastructure, currently 
hosted on the AGNULA server will be moved to Alioth and A/DeMuDi source 
packages will be tracked using the official Debian Subversion server. Every 
ma jor Custom Debian Distribution is already registered on Alioth , and 
having them all in a single place helps exchanging code, automate common 
services, spawn new CDDs. Moreover all Debian developers are members of 
Alioth, and having a Debian-related pro ject registered on Alioth makes it 
easier for the Debian community to notice and possibly join it.
> 5.2 Mailing lists All user level discussions shall be carried directly on 
official Debian mailing list. Probably due to historical reasons 
AGNULA/DeMuDi is now often perceived as a different distribution from or a 
derivation of Debian, as other popular pro jects. This attitude somehow 
conflicts with the concept of Custom Debian Distribution and its advantages.
	Acá arriba se lee claramente que los desarrolladores no quieren hacer algo 
fuera de Debian.

>  One of the goals of the AGNULA pro ject was and is to improve the quality 
of Debian as far as audio and multimedia are concerned, 

	Es decir, quieren mejorar la calidad de Debian en materia de audio y 
multimedia, no necesariamente la calidad de todo el SL.

> and this effort will be carried directly inside Debian, with the work of 
Debian maintainers.

	Esa es la frase más clara: "...y este esfuerzo será llevado a cabo 
directamente dentro de Debian, con el trabajo de mantenedores de Debian."

>  AGNULA/DeMuDi releases shall be considered as a comfortable way to install 
Debian for audio and multimedia work. 

	¿Más claro que eso? Agua

>  Every issue concerning AGNULA/DeMuDi is actually concerning Debian 

	ah, perdón había algo más claro aún ;)

>  and it makes sense discuss it on Debian mailing lists, where one can get in 
touch and receive support from a much larger community than AGNULA. These 
lists are of particular interest for the AGNULA community:  
> http://devel.agnula.org http://alioth.debian.org/projects/demudi 16 
https://alioth.debian.org/projects/cdd/ 17 http://www.knoppix.net 
http://www.morphix.org/modules/news/ http://www.progeny.com/ 

	Como Debian aconseja o promueve usar software no-libre, DeMuDi ahora es lo 

Marcos Guglielmetti www.pc-musica.com.ar  -- Musix GNU+Linux 
(www.musix.org.ar) -- INCASOL (www.incasol.org.ar) -- Rosegarden Tutorial  
(http://rosegarden.sourceforge.net/tutorial/) -- cel: (0221) 15-5442691
fecha: mié ago 24 20:05:02 CEST 2005


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