[Solar-general] El Proyecto Debian mas que una distro

Daniel Olivera -Mate.Cosido dolivera en solar.org.ar
Vie Oct 1 03:16:50 CEST 2004

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El Jue 30 Sep 2004 20:40, Arturo "Buanzo" Busleiman escribió:
> Mi punto sobre ese punto (cuac) es que, justamente, el día de hoy
> RMS habla sobre la disponibilidad de software no libre en el
> repositorio de debian, y ver ese punto en el texto quoteado...
> bueno, me resulto interesante.

Richard Stallman dice sobre debian:

The destructive practice in our community is that of including
non-free software in GNU/Linux distributions. Nearly all
distributions include non-free software. Although Debian says that
this non-free software is not part of Debian, the non-free software is
distributed on Debian's servers. To support the goal of a community
that rejects non-free software, we must not treat non-free software as 
legitimate with our actions.

For years I have criticized these distributions--all of them. This
sometimes hurts feelings, but the criticism is very important. For
years there was no better alternative I could suggest--I could only
say why some distributions were more or less of a problem. For yeard I 
asked the developers of various distributions to change. Some of them 
changed partly, but none of them made a free distribution.

Now I am happy to know of a distribution I can recommend
unhesitatingly: UTUTO-e (possibly GNU/LinEx as well, we are checking).
I can recommend it in a way that I never could and still cannot
recommend Debian, Red Hat, SuSE, Gentoo, etc.

My thanks to the developers of UTUTO-e for insisting on free software.

- -- 

  ,= ,-_-. =.  |Mate.Cosido (..aun fuera de la ley)
 ((_/)o o(\_)) |
  `-'(. .)`-'  |UTUTO-e GNU System with Linux
      \_/      |Linux 2.6.7 compilado con GCC 3.4.1
- ---------------------------------------------------
GNU/Linux User      : #267582 - AR #1832
Telefono / Phone    : (+5411) 4207-1701 / 7688 
Celular / Cell Phone: (+5411) 5637-5979

ICQ: 8368437 / Jabber: dolivera en jabber.org

Estudien mucho para poder dominar la tecnica que
permite dominar la naturaleza. CHE
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)


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