[Solar-general] lo peor para el spyware y la libertad.
Sebastian Bassi
sbassi en gmail.com
Mar Dic 7 12:44:03 CET 2004
Hay algo peor que te rompan el orto: Creer que está bien que te rompan
el orto. Porque una vez que crees que está bien, no podes defenderte.
Miren esta nota, en particular los testimonios:
Aca unos parrafos relevantes:
(iMesh es un p2p para Win y Marketscore es un spyware que rutea TODO
tu trafico de inet por el server de ellos).
But some users of iMesh didn't seem to be troubled by the actions of
Marketscore. Users at iMesh forums chided those who complained,
posting messages stating that "without spyware there's no such thing
as free software."
"I had a good idea what the Marketscore software does, though I didn't
read the entire user agreement," said 19-year-old New York University
student Keith Caron. "In general when any application asks to install
another application, I assume the other application is spyware. But
you have to support spyware if you're going to have free file-sharing
applications. Fair's fair."
Neither of the Jacksons was concerned that all of their e-mails were
being routed through Marketscore's servers.
"I doubt they have the time to sit there and read all our messages,"
said Marilyn Jackson. "Besides, my life is pretty boring anyway, it's
not like there's anything interesting or criminal in my e-mail."
<a href="http://www.spreadfirefox.com/?q=affiliates&id=24672&t=1">La
web sin popups ni spyware: Usa Firefox en lugar de Internet
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