[Solar-educacion] MS con miedo? siempre con un haz bajo la manga

Christine Stagnetto christstagnetto en yahoo.com
Vie Ago 6 19:21:46 CEST 2004

Hola gente miren con que nos sale MS, parece que tiene
miedo no? abajo esta el articulo completo (link)

"The decision comes shortly after a study found that a
total of 283 registered US software patents, including
27 held by Microsoft, could be used as the basis of
patent lawsuits against the Linux kernel. The study
was funded by Open Source Risk Management (OSRM), a
company that provides insurance against lawsuits
related to the use of open source products, and
conducted by patent attorney Dan Ravicher, executive
director of the Public Patent Foundation and senior
counsel to the Free Software Foundation."



Christine Stagnetto   
PhD. Systems Analyst Engineering Specialized in Security Networking (IT)  USA Universities Professor Online

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