[Solar-coop] Ficulties we would have to encounter if we remained at our
Mohamed Pettigrew
parabolizing en gumanize.com
Dom Dic 27 09:03:39 CET 2009
Ove named were brought before the judge, presiding, Hon. Richard M.
Young, June 14th, 1833, and released. Indictment was returned against
the real murderers, Shash-quo-washi, Muck-que-che-qua,
Muck-qua-pal-ashah, and Was-a-wau-a-quot, who, "not having the fear of
God before their eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigations
of the devil," killed Wm. Martin. The indictment was drawn by Thomas
Ford, States Attorney, and recites that William Martin was shot a little
below the shoulder blade. Among the witnesses named were Keokuk and
Stabbing Chief. The guilty parties were never arrested, and a _nolle
prosequi_ was entered at the October term at court, 1835. GEN. SCOTT
ARRIVES AT CHICAGO. Gen. Scott, with a full regiment of regulars, came
up the lake and landed at Chicago about the 10th of July--the cholera in
the meantime having broken out among his troops, from which several had
died. While encamped at that point, it continued its virulence to such
an extent, and in a number of cases fatally, that he deemed it best to
much out on the high land, and soon after continued his journey, by slow
marches, to Rock Island. On reaching Rock river, where Milan is now
situated, the cholera had disappeared, and he went into camp with his
entire regiment. The clear water of this beautiful stream was a Godsend
to the many tired men, for the ablution of their bodies and th
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