[Solar-cd-sl-win] Ost thou remember the sloping hills

Smayda ravager at apkbesseling.nl
Wed Aug 26 16:11:27 CEST 2009

 a Maccabee would take Jerusalem from pagan hands. Shall the followers
of him who is greater than David fall short? Rather let the arm of
Israel be palsied than to fail when the Kingdom is in sight. Shout, my
sisters, for the Kingdom is at hand!" "Thrice glad am I my wedding
garments are gorgeous enough for a king's court," Martha said. "Talk of
a king's court would be pleasant save for the glint of yonder sword.
Lazarus, is there harm or danger for him we love in all this thou
tellest?" and there was grave concern in Mary's face. "There hath been
dark mutterings and Pilate's wrath will be sore kindled by what hath
taken place. But the sons of Judah are brave and the Lion of the Tribe
shall prevail." "Glad I am that ever I have given the Master of the best
wine and richest sop!" Martha exclaimed. "My heart doth rejoice that
while he was yet poor, our home hath been his. Even as our fathers did
entertain angels unawares, so have we given shelter to a King," Mary
said. "Hath not thy heart from the beginning taken him for a King,
Mary?" Lazarus asked. "Yea, even _thy_ King?" "Since first I saw him in
the portals of the Temple have I loved him whom thou sayest is to be
King." "So! So!" shouted Martha, laughing. "Even mo
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