[Pppehrserver-law-us] Urce,
and recognizes also the method by which it springs from t
deterge at ilgeko.com
Tue Sep 1 17:57:58 CEST 2009
Is not "Know thyself" but "Know the Lord." The great subject of
Knowledge is not ourself but "the Lord"; and herein is the great
difference between the two teachings. The one is limited by human
personality, the other is based on the Infinitude of the Divine
Personality; and because of this it includes human personality with all
its powers over the Soul of Nature. It is a case of the greater
including the less; and so the whole teaching of Scripture is directed
to bringing us into the recognition of that Divine Personality which is
the Great Original in whose image and likeness we are made. In
proportion as we grow into the recognition of _this_ our own personality
will explain, and the creative power of our thought will cease to work
invertedly until at last it will work only on the same principles of
Life, Love and Liberty as the Divine Mind, and so all evil will
disappear from our world. We shall not, as some systems teach, be
absorbed into Deity to the extinction of our individual consciousness,
but on the contrary our individual consciousness will continually
expand, which is what St. Paul means when he speaks of our "increasing
with the increase of God"--the continual expanding of the Divine element
within us. But this can only take place by our recognition of ourselves
as _receivers_ of this Divine element. It is receiving into ourselves of
the Divine Personality, a result not to be reached through human
reasoning. We reason from premises which we have assumed, and the
conclusion is already involved in the premises and can never extend
beyond them. But we can only select our premises from among things that
we know by experience, whether mental or physical, and accordingly
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