[Picd-list] Special Stock Watch!

Lista de Correo del CD de Software Libre para Windows picd-list en lists.ourproject.org
Lun Ago 5 14:45:16 CEST 2013

Imogo Mobile (I MTC) .14 Cent trading price could turn you into a 
millionaire. This particular little-known cloud computing stock Stands 
Out As The Biggest Danger To Microsoft's Windows Platform. The earnings 
you might make is clearly astounding! Act on this stock in advance of 
when the Money Managers Pushes the selling price excessively higher!!!

The content of your e-mail is paid out advertising and does not profess 
to produce an analysis of the showcased firm's budget, operations or 
prospects. Checking out securities is extremely assuming and carries a 
large amount of danger, particularly in respect of more recent 
corporations with comparatively brief working track records and narrow 
cash flow. You could lose your entire investment. If you're unable to 
afford to reduce all of your purchase don't commit to penny stocks. This 
advertisement is reliant solely upon info obtained from community info 
and alternative internet websites. Readers are powerfully told to 
independently confirm all statements built in this advertising campaign 
as well as to carry out their unique due diligence with this or another 
advertised opportunity, as well as however, not limited by seeing a 
skilled financial investment expert, researching the freely available 
fiscal reports of, along with other info on these kind of displayed 

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