[Picd-list] Ticker U,pdate

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Mar Jun 17 03:01:31 CEST 2008

Now you can see what we were saying.

Oragnization: Agnstorm Microsysetms
OTCBB: agms
Action:, Make your move
Closing M_o.nday:' ..4.00
Acitvity: 331,. 4.85

Sicne" last -wee,k, tr,daing is up to 331,48'5 toda y.

It is just "warmnig up, after ,increased produ,citon  and new sales
Angstrom Micro Systems can make  "the gr,ade and perfo'rm.

At this 'pri ce the .risk is mini mal,_ buy AMGS u'p  first _AM.

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