Sin asunto

Jue Mayo 29 13:38:36 CEST 2014

oss the Atlantic and the Pacific. I speak now not of the past 500 years, bu=
t from the last 5000 years or more.<br>

With the communication system we can implement this part much easier. We do=
 the same what the Ottomans began in the year 725 in Damascus. &quot;The Ho=
use of Knowledge&quot;. For us it is the global library of all the knowledg=
e of mankind. Freely accessible for each person. Even in the jungle or on t=
he mountain. Knowledge is always world heritage.<br>

To the strategy?<br>
To support the people to be locally economically independent. To be in a po=
sition to determine their own way of life itself. The requirements always a=
rise from the local area.<br>
The FLOK project could be an engine for it. But it is not. It is the same b=
rake pad like all other government programs worldwide. People are reduced t=
o objects.<br>
For us, the people are themselves the subjects. We can only help. And only,=
 if they ask us. Only where we live themselves and are active, we are also =
the sovereign subjects.<br>
Also, the P2P Foundation is no helpful, because it has nothing to do with t=
he basics. The PPL and the concept of &quot;Partner State&quot; is a way in=
to the swamp. We do not need licenses and no state. We need active and crea=
tive people in their local environments.<br>

And the global and free communication system.<br>
But not that crap what we call the Internet today. This catastrophic addres=
sing method with the catastrophic routing mechanisms. Even if we view the T=
CP protocol, it will give us bad. All this only, because at the lower IP le=
vel no error checking and correction takes place.<br>

The only thing we have to organize globally is the transport of IP packets.=
 And if we send a packet and receive no error message from the first segmen=
t, then we know that it has arrived. Along the way there is the task of the=
 routers to transport the packages.<br>

The second is the address. We always communicate from one geographic locati=
on. These are our local networks. So we use the geographical position for o=
ur IP address. Then, each router knows immediately what he has to do. And a=
ll of these moronic &quot;Internet governance&quot; is superfluous.<br>

I write now so much to the communication system, because it is our most imp=
ortant tool. Free access to the free knowledge and the free exchange of our=
 information. So that people are in every place in our world in a position =
to meet their needs locally and regionally itself. And all the activists ca=
n develop the best methods then together.<br>

If we do not start, never we come to the end.<br>
Or, if we do not go, we do not arrive. Today, people are driven into the co=
nsumerism. They are then the perfect slaves. Or how Quiliro it said, they d=
etermine their own rulers.<br>
So it is true also for us: When we need something, or think that we need it=
, we search the way to make it. Just as it always did our ancestors. And we=
 will notice immediately, that we have to clean massivly our environment. A=
ll the garbage around us we have to bring in the recycling station. States,=
 military, national police forces, parliaments, the judiciary. Everything i=
n the trash. This creates space for free self-development.<br>

The paths will be regional different. Important are only our common goals. =
Then we will meet us someday.<div class=3D""><br>
many greetings, willi<br>
Bogota, Colombia<br>
-------- Original-Nachricht --------<br>
Betreff: Re: [labsurlab] egoismo<br>
Datum: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 18:54:19 -0300<br>
Von: Galleguindio Ramirez &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:galleguindioramirez en tribuna=" target=3D"_blank">galleguindioramirez@<u></u>tribunahacker.c=</a>&gt;<br>
Antwort an: <a href=3D"mailto:labsurlab en" target=3D"_blank=
">labsurlab en</a><br>
An: <a href=3D"mailto:labsurlab en" target=3D"_blank">labsur=
lab en</a><div class=3D"im HOEnZb"><br>
Soy Galleguindio Ramirez de Argentina.<br>
Aunque comparto mayormente lo que he le=C3=ADdo, tengo ciertos prejuicios a=
que la organizaci=C3=B3n de la estupidez sea solo latinoam=C3=A9ricana.<br>
He militado durante la mayor parte de mi vida en la izquierda; pero hace 10=
 a=C3=B1os gire a un tecnociberanarquismo para llamarlo de alguna manera. E=
n tu larga postulaci=C3=B3n de egoismos y desiluciones planteas que te desi=
lucionaron los movimientos indianos, y el zapatista en principio. =C2=BFPor=
que? En mi larga experiencia con los movimientos indianos desde el zapatism=
o chiapaneco, hasta el katarismo pandore=C3=B1o y llegando al mapu sure=C3=
=B1o; no conosco experiencia de practica asamblearia m=C3=A1s comunista (yo=
 prefiero el termino comunitaria).<br>

Mi posici=C3=B3n es la opuesta; mis desiluciones est=C3=A1n puestas en los =
blancos tecnicos &quot;revolucionarios&quot; que han venido a civilizar la =
protesta. Un gran ejemplo es el MoCaSe cooptado por los t=C3=A9cnicos de la=
 Universidad de Catalunya y la Agrotecnol=C3=B3gica de Baires que hoy ocupa=
n la direcci=C3=B3n del MNCI (Movimiento Nacional Campesino-Indigena). Para=
 m=C3=AD las desiluciones est=C3=A1n directamente relacionadas con el cambi=
o de cosmovisi=C3=B3n; =C2=BFen que cambia un Correa que quiere explotar el=
 Yasumi o una CFK que quiere explotar los Hielos Continentales; con un &quo=
t;hacker&quot; o &quot;revolucionario&quot; que trae la biblia de las revol=
uciones bajo el brazo?<br>

Mientras no se independice la red de los estados y las empresas; mientras n=
o se practique en lo anal=C3=B3gico la libertad que proponemos para lo virt=
ual todo ser=C3=A1 solo una f=C3=A1bula.<br>
Para m=C3=AD el comunismo esta parado sobre el egoismo; pero no generaciona=
lmente, sino conceptualmente. Traen la tara de encaramarse en sus direccion=
es y proteger sus quintitas a.un a costa de dejar todo como esta y salen ba=
stante seguido vistiendo sus plumas y concheros.<br>

El verdadero nudo creo yo es la falta de un sujeto autosustentable; que<br>
pueda proveerse de sus necesidades primarias. Vivir al margen de la<br>
sociedad de consumo es casi m=C3=A1s trabajoso que integrarla. =3DD<br>
Yo creo que FLOCK no tiene una mirada inclusiva hacia las escuelas<br>
porque no se plantea cambiar la sociedad; su objetivo es concreto<br>
cambiar la matriz productiva ecuatoriana para darle mayor valor agregado a =
la explotaci=C3=B3n de los comunes.<br>
El Gobierno Abierto; la Econom=C3=ADa del Conocimiento y muchas otras que h=
oy se desprenden de nuestras conceptualizaciones y se aplican desde arriba =
hacia abajo son solo filtros que nos hacen ver un mundo m=C3=A1s colorido. =
Una libertad FICCIONARIO donde podes fornicar en la calle, pero no pod=C3=
=A9s acceder al nivel A.<br>

Ahora cual es la estrategia? Apoyar a las izquierdas triunfantes? Apoyar a =
las comunidades liberadas perifericas? Y un largo etc de posibilidades.<br>
O sea cuales son las formas que compartimos en lo virtual que podremos<br>
trasladar a lo anal=C3=B3gico?<br>
Y a que comunidad nos referimos cuando hablamos?<br>
Son las tecnolog=C3=ADas que estamos desarrollando bajo Copyleft veh=C3=ADc=
que le sirvan a la comunidad para ejercer la libertad?<br>
Un abrazo<br>
Desde Chilibroste Argentina<br>
<br></div><div class=3D"HOEnZb"><div class=3D"h5">
labsurlab mailing list<br>
<a href=3D"mailto:labsurlab en" target=3D"_blank">labsurlab@=</a><br>
<a href=3D"" target=3D"=
</div></div></blockquote></div><br><br clear=3D"all"><br>-- <br>Vanessa Goc=
ksch<br><a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">www.interm=</a><br><a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">=</a><br>


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