<p><br></p><p>America's trade agreements reveal corporate world takeover plans.<br></p><p><u><b>GMOs coming in the back door -US EU trade deal</b></u><i><b><br></b></i></p><p><i><b>'The biggest challenge would be finding the political will to surmount challenges like the European public's rejection of genetically modified foods and seed that the United States wants to export, Schott said.</b></i></p>
</b></i><p><i><b>"I think there's room for compromise and constructive agreement," he added.'</b></i></p><p><a href="http://www.eubusiness.com/news-eu/us-economy-trade.mda">http://www.eubusiness.com/news-eu/us-economy-trade.mda</a></p>
<p><u><b>Plus <a href="http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/love-and-the-apocalypse/why-the-transpacific-partnership-is-a-really-really-big-deal?utm_source=wkly20130510&utm_medium=email">Scary Transpacific Partnership deal</a></b></u><br>
</p><p>'<i><b>Leaked documents show how extensive the reach of the TPP would be. It is
shaping up as a corporate takeover of public policy that would impact
safe food, sustainable jobs, clean water and air, access to life-saving
medicines, education, even our very democracy.'</b></i></p><p><br></p><p>Anna<i><b><br></b></i> </p>