<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV class=post_body style="RIGHT: auto">Robin hood tax the banks UK Can raise over 50 billion a yr but EU want this money.<BR><BR>As stated here:<BR><A href="http://robinhoodtax.org/" target=_blank ref="nofollow">http://robinhoodtax.org/</A><BR><BR>David cameron on friday is planning a meeting with EU leaders to discuss this robin hood tax.<BR><BR>Who thinks this money should goto the UK!<BR><BR>ME!<BR><BR>Everybody setup petitions<BR><BR><A href="http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions" target=_blank ref="nofollow">http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions</A><BR><BR>And let the people of london know this isnt the EU's money!<BR><BR>European Union costs Britain almost �65.675 billion per year!<BR><BR>Make sure this money isn't distributed to EU,t here will be no money going to NHS or people in poverty if the EU have there
way!<BR><BR>Stay Strong OccupY </DIV>
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<DIV class=post_body style="RIGHT: auto">................................A More Intelligent Approach to the Above.........................</DIV>
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<DIV class=post_body style="RIGHT: auto">Why not have a credible, and transparent funding system which could create enough new non-repayable money electronically to help ease important social, and economic problems? This would not lead to serious inflation unless too much is created ofcourse. This may not be a socially acceptable idea but there are many problems of the world which are not socially acceptable, and may require extra funding.......Money via redistribution, or donations is not the only way forwards..</DIV>
<DIV class=post_body style="RIGHT: auto">MONEY = ELECTRONIC DATA<VAR id=yui-ie-cursor></VAR></DIV>
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<DIV><TEXTAREA class=standard_input name=body rows=8 placeholder="Type your reply here..." jQuery17022913080119181="1">Why not have a credible, and transparent funding system which could create enough new non-repayable money electronically to help ease important social, and economic problems? This would not lead to serious inflation unless too much is created ofcourse. This may not be a socially acceptable idea but there are many problems of the world which are not socially acceptable, and may require extra funding.......Money via redistribution, or donations is not the only way forwards..
<DIV class=button_box><button class="button right_button" name="submit" type="reset"><IMG alt="" src="http://uk.mg40.mail.yahoo.com/Content/images/post.png">Reply</BUTTON> </DIV><input type="reset" value="reply" name="mode"> <input type="reset" value="AT-GjmRiuXw61T00Ttbt4uc9o20a5clOkQ8PJwxb0mc.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" name="signed_request"> </MailScannerForm24909></DIV></div></body></html>