Hi all,<br><br>People here may be interested in this amusing but tragic story about copyright,
piracy and 21st century business models (read all the comments for the
full picture):<br><a href="http://uniteddiversity.com/email-to-toby-hemenway-re-piracy/" target="_blank">http://uniteddiversity.com/email-to-toby-hemenway-re-piracy/</a><br clear="all"><br>Enjoy!<br><br>Josef.<br><br>PS - I think I'll repost it with all the comments included in the post as "Copyright: The Comic Tragedy" because I think that actually describes what its ending being better than the current title. Michel: perhaps I should cross-post it to the P2P blog too?<br>
<br><br>-- <br>Josef Davies-Coates<br>07974 88 88 95<br><a href="http://uniteddiversity.com" target="_blank">http://uniteddiversity.com</a><br>Together We Have Everything<br>