[P2P-F] Fwd: NEW REPORT: Rethinking Climate

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 16:45:26 CEST 2021

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From: RethinkX <media at rethinkx.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 12:58 AM
Subject: NEW REPORT: Rethinking Climate
To: <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

New Report
"Rethinking Climate"
Just Released

As a thought leader who joined the conversation about our earlier
reports, "Rethinking
"Rethinking Food & Agriculture
," "Rethinking Energy
and "Rethinking Humanity
we wanted to alert you to our latest report analyzing how, if we make the
right choices, disruptive technologies can enable the world to eliminate 90
percent of carbon emissions within the next 15 years, and go beyond net
zero after 2040 – far faster, and with far greater consequence, than is
conventionally believed possible.

Today, RethinkX
is releasing, “Rethinking Climate Change: How Humanity Can Choose to Reduce
Emissions 90% by 2035 through the Disruption of Energy, Transportation, and
Food with Existing Technologies
In this new report, we show that with the right societal choices these
three disruptions can eliminate the overwhelming majority of greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions worldwide within 15 years, and that market forces can be
leveraged to do the bulk of the mitigation work because the technologies
required are either already commercially available and competitive today,
or can be deployed to market before 2025. This also means we can fight
climate change while simultaneously saving trillions of dollars and
fostering prosperity worldwide. Furthermore, these very same technologies
will also make the cost of carbon withdrawal affordable, meaning that
moonshot breakthrough technologies are not required to go beyond net zero
from 2035 onwards. Regions, nations, cities, communities, businesses, and
investors that choose to embrace and lead the disruptions will reap
enormous economic and social rewards as well as environmental benefits,
allowing less-developed areas to level the playing field and leapfrog over
previous barriers to human development. Therefore, the greatest barrier to
fighting climate change is our mindset. It is up to us to decide whether or
not we deploy these technologies worldwide rapidly enough to avoid
dangerous climate change.

Our goal is to inspire a global conversation about the opportunities and
threats of this technology-driven disruption and, importantly, the choices
that can lead to a more equitable, healthy, resilient, and stable
society.* Your
participation in this conversation is crucial.*

We invite you to explore our key findings below and share your thoughts via
social media. You can find the report here
and you can follow us on Twitter
and LinkedIn

Thanks very much,
James Arbib and Tony Seba
Founders of RethinkX

   - We already have the energy, transportation and food technologies
   needed to reduce over 90 percent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
   worldwide in the next 15 years. With the right societal choices, we can
   stop climate pollution at the levels needed to keep global warming well
   below 2 degrees Celsius.
   - Technology disruptions over the course of history – including
   automobiles, cameras and smartphones – have happened quickly and
   exponentially, making legacy industries obsolete within 10 to 15 years.
   Adopting a technology disruption mindset will allow policymakers to
   recognize the speed of the most critical disruptions, making more informed
   choices about where to focus action for maximum impact.
   - We can achieve a net zero future – affordably, on time, and opening up
   huge opportunities for carbon-free prosperity – if policymakers make smart
   choices to enable these highest impact technologies and stop supporting
   legacy industries that are getting in the way. If they are not decisive in
   this regard, we’ll lose precious time in responding to this crisis which
   will mean far larger planetary risks and trillions of dollars worth of
   losses that are otherwise avoidable.
   - Policymaker choices should strategically target and support the
   highest impact technologies and avoid other “scattershot” climate
   approaches that are far more costly and unfeasible, such as clean coal and
   carbon capture, as well as remove barriers that are stymying disruptive
   technologies. This approach can allow markets to do the bulk of the
   deployment work.
   - Highest impact technology sector opportunities include:
      - ENERGY: The largest, most immediate opportunity is in the energy
      sector (57.6 percent of GHGs) which is rapidly being transformed by
      affordable, scalable low-carbon technologies in the form of
solar PVs, wind
      power and lithium-ion storage batteries.
      - TRANSPORTATION: The transportation sector (16.2 percent of GHGs)
      will face dramatic disruptions as electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous
      EVs enable transportation-as-a-service and bring an end to internal
      combustion engines and private vehicle ownership.
      - FOOD: Rapidly advancing technologies will drive disruption in the
      food sector (18 percent of GHGs) from precision fermentation and cellular
      agriculture, which will eventually replace meat and animal-based food
      products – freeing up the 2.7 billion hectares of land they rely on.
   - Each of these energy, transportation and food technologies will
   achieve significant GHG reductions within their own sectors, but when
   factoring in the impact of various feedback loops between these sectors
   their potential is exponentially larger. For example: global virgin steel
   production, which accounts for 7 percent of global GHGs, will fall
   dramatically as transportation reductions reduce the number of vehicles on
   the road, as energy disruptions reduce the number of cargo ships needed to
   transport coal and oil in all parts of the world, and as scrap from
   obsolete combustion vehicles and oil industry infrastructure makes large
   volumes of recycled steel cheaply available.
   - Disruptive technologies can help close the wealth and technology gaps
   between rich and poor countries. For example: rapidly scaling solar, wind
   and batteries would help deliver electricity to billions of people who have
   no electricity today.
   - The report outlines three different scenarios for policymakers:
      - THE ‘GET SERIOUS’ SCENARIO: This most ambitious response, where
      policymakers proactively accelerate the disruption of energy,
      transportation and food technologies over the 2020s and reforest just 20
      percent of land freed up by food sector disruptions, would enable a GHG
      emission decline of over 60 percent by 2030 and 100 percent before 2035.
      The disruptions would also dramatically bring down the costs of carbon
      sequestration. By 2040, carbon emissions would be 20 percent below ‘net
      zero’ – good news indeed.
      - THE ‘BE SENSIBLE’ SCENARIO: By choosing to deploy and scale only
      those core technologies available today with positive economic impacts,
      humanity can achieve the GHG emissions reductions well within
the timeline
      needed to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius, as called for
      under the international Paris Climate Agreement
      By removing barriers to deployment and support for incumbent monopolies,
      90% GHG reductions can be achieved by 2035. We can then reach net zero by
      2040 through passive reforestation on land freed up by the food
      disruptions, and can continue to drawdown carbon from the
atmosphere below
      ‘net zero’ from there onwards.
      - THE ‘GET STUCK’ SCENARIO: Policymakers might unwittingly or
      otherwise delay the disruptions, an approach with some of the markings of
      our situation today, such as subsidies and financial support for fossil
      fuels, utility monopolies and the livestock sector, resulting in
      rising for another five years and global temperatures exceeding
2 degrees –
      placing us squarely in the “climate danger zone.”
   - The report provides a decision-making framework to help policymakers
   evaluate the ‘mitigation-readiness’ of climate solution technologies. This
   will help them effectively target technologies that are commercially
   available and competitive today to achieve the largest, fastest emissions

*What Experts Say About RethinkX*

“Rethinking Humanity is seminal. Whether you run a company, a city, or a
nation state, you need to understand the simple patterns that drive
complexity, disruption, and change in human history. The future belongs to
those societies who can both make the right technology choices and
re-organize their governance and belief systems to capture the
exponentially growing opportunities in front of us.”
*- Jose Cordeiro, Director, Millenium Project; Vice Chair, Humanity Plus;
Candidate, European Parliament.*

“Rethinking Humanity will be required reading for civic leaders,
executives, and government officials.”
*- Guido Jouret, Chief Digital Officer, ABB*

“RethinkX’s work is differentiated and has caused our investment analysts
to question many of their base assumptions, which drive their longer-term
investment framework… RethinkX brings a fresh and different perspective,
which has made us change the way we think about the impact of new
technologies on companies, industries and indeed the broader societal
impact. However, given the speed and magnitude of technological change,
this also has relevance for the way that investors and companies allocate
capital today as well as over the next several years.”
*- Nigel Bolton, Chief Investment Officer, BlackRock Active Equities*

“It’s not easy to blow my mind, but earlier this week, I sat down and read
a research report *(Rethinking Transportation*) by RethinkX. I’ve been
picking up the pieces of my consciousness ever since.”
*The Motley Fool*

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