[P2P-F] Fwd: new EU research report out now: circular economy x collaborative (sharing) economy

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 09:43:23 CEST 2020

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Evi Swinnen <evi at timelab.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 6:32 PM
Subject: Fwd: new EU research report out now: circular economy x
collaborative (sharing) economy
To: Marieke Maertens <marieke at timelab.org>, Laure-Anne Vermaercke <
laure-anne at timelab.org>, Jelle Gheldof <jelle at timelab.org>, Michel Bauwens <
michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

Evi Swinnen

0479 695 786

Kogelstraat 34
9000 Gent
09 391 96 10

*How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for
somewhere else. - B. Fuller*

Begin doorgestuurd bericht:

*Van: *Harmen van Sprang <harmen at sharenl.nl>
*Onderwerp: **Doorst: new EU research report out now: circular economy x
collaborative (sharing) economy*
*Datum: *16 juni 2020 om 12:58:11 CEST
*Aan: *undisclosed-recipients:;

Good afternoon,

Let me start by saying that I hope you're doing well. After all, we live in
challenging times nowadays. Luckily, where there are challenges, also
opportunities arise.

One of these opportunities is to explore crossovers and find common ground
between present-day phenomena, in this case between the *circular economy*
and the *collaborative (sharing) economy*. This is why we, together with
our project partners ESPON <http://espon.eu/sharing>, VVA <http://vva.it/>
 and ÖIR <https://www.oir.at/en>, analysed and now published the impacts of
the 'circular collaborative economy' in several cities and regions across
the European Union: The Hague, Maribor, Porto, Prato, Flanders and Greece.

We hereby cordially invite you to have a look at the research report and
the insights coming from it.

The *key takeaways* all in one place (reading time less than 5 minutes):

Entire website dedicated to this research: http://collaborativexcircular.com

The final report, a practical guide, several case studies and more can be
found here: http://espon.eu/sharing. For your convenience you will also
find the final report and a practical guide attached.

We would appreciate it if you could share this email with colleagues and
others who might find this research report and the outcomes relevant.

Please feel free to also share it via online and/or social media. You might
consider looking at some posts we already created during the past days and
use these as inspiration: http://twitter.com/share_NL and

We hope you and your network will benefit from the insights provided by
this research, which is part of the EU Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular
Economy and funded by the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme.

Do not hesitate to reach out in case you have questions or suggestions.
We're always open to collaboration!

Best regards, also on behalf of our project partners,

Harmen van Sprang

+31(0)6 30 987 900

shareNL.nl <http://sharenl.nl/>



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