[P2P-F] Fwd: Try these prescriptions for economic renewal

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Mon Jun 1 15:47:27 CEST 2020

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: The Next System Project <nextsystem at democracycollaborative.org>
Date: Fri, May 29, 2020 at 11:02 PM
Subject: Try these prescriptions for economic renewal
To: <michel at p2pfoundation.net>

A symposium of bold ideas for the pos-COVID-19 economy. Johanna Bozuwa on
making public utilities public. An interactive nationalization timeline.
The latest from The Next System Project
*Transformative cures for a sick economy*
This week The Next System Project launches “Beyond COVID-19: Prescriptions
for Economic Renewal,”
an ongoing symposium of bold ideas for building a new economy from the
wreckage of the old. As states resume economic activity after two months
under lockdown, the pressure is on to restore the old economy, and with it
all of the old inequities and perils to people and planet. Our
“Prescriptions” series provokes an urgent debate on how to prevent further
harms today and to build a more just and sustainable economy in the months
ahead. Our first set of prescriptions:


   *Cancel rent and mortgage payments, house the unhoused

   *Create a state holding company to prevent the leveraged buyout of the
   real economy

   *Launch a new era of community wealth building

   *Let the people design a green stimulus

   *Use the post office as a banking lifeline

   *Create a “VA for all”

See our Prescriptions...
*Make public services truly public*
Climate and energy researcher Johanna Bozuwa's essay for *Progressive
International's* “Blueprint” series argues that any plan for economic
renewal “must treat access to basic services like energy and water systems
as human rights and public goods, not as commodities to be bought and sold
on private markets.” To accomplish that goal, as well as to ensure that our
energy and water needs are delivered in a way that protects the planet and
rectifies historic inequities, she writes that “we need to reclaim and
rebuild our public services.”
Read the essay...
*A timeline of the move to nationalize fossil fuels*
During a remarkable two-month period in which the price of oil at one point
literally fell below zero, the argument for nationalizing the fossil fuel
industry took on a new resonance. Researcher Juliana Broad has constructed
a fascinating, blow-by-blow interactive timeline that captures how an idea
on the left edge of public debate gained increased traction in the
political debate.
See the timeline...
Learn more about the basics of system change and catch up with past
episodes of The Next System Podcast
on our website, thenextsystem.org

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