Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Tue Aug 4 13:50:37 CEST 2020

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From: <jbquilligan3 at charter.net>
Date: Sun, Aug 2, 2020 at 12:16 AM
To: michel at p2pfoundation.net <michel at p2pfoundation.net>

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    All Needs Matter: The Story of Self-Sufficiency
    Resource Democracy: Self-Reliance through Self-Governance
    Sustainable Economies: Purchasing Capacity for Meeting Human Needs




*One of the world's great paradoxes is that our economies can only grow by
getting people to consume beyond their real needs.* Here's the problem: by
stimulating the economic demand of our expanding population, we overuse the
planet’s fixed amount of non-renewable resources without adequately
replenishing Earth's renewable resources. Then we rationalize these
disparities through free-market ideology. We say that "*since humans are an
intelligent species with vast scientific insight and technical skills, we
would never harm civilization by creating perilous imbalances within
society or nature. This is why we use a market economy because it is
self-adjusting and avoids any misallocation of resources". *Yet these
'intelligent algorithms' that propel our economic systems are *not
naturally correcting*, as evidenced by widespread poverty and ecological

While biology shows that no population can live beyond its ecosystem,
society ignores this natural law. Through free trade, our national
economies buy, borrow and steal from other life-support systems, which
means we are all drawing from the greater life-support system of Earth.
Capitalism was not designed to value resources at their future worth.
Instead, it measures resources by their extraction, production and labor
costs and the price at which their products sell in the market -- all based
on *supplying today's demand*.

Today, the fundamental algorithms of modern economics, *use value* and
value*, are driven more by what people want than what they need. This has
created a growing deficit in our preparedness, integration and resilience
as a society, which impedes our allocation of resources to those in need
while destroying our environment. Nonetheless, *these algorithms are
essential in expressing the dynamic forces of freedom and equality in human
society.* Use value generates our engagement with others through the
practical utilization of resources, and exchange value generates trust
among people in the marketplace. What is vitally missing is the
interdependent practice of social cooperation by every individual and the
culture of mutual caring and solidarity that this generates.
We also recognize the critical importance of education and technology in
supporting cooperative culture. Yet this is not enough to transform the
modern economy. Industrial civilization may have learned to increase
economic efficiency by lowering the inputs of production and slowing the
rate at which we use resources to produce each unit of what we want. But as
long as human consumption continues to generate poverty, waste and debt,
today's market-driven systems of education and technology will not change
human behavior or drive evolutionary change. In the decades ahead,
societies must learn to practice ways of life that are more in harmony with
nature and can provide our sustenance through technologies that are
designed for the rational and sustainable use of resources.

What will solve this baffling equation is a new software of the mind. We
need a code that shifts human understanding of ourselves, our behavior and
our evolutionary role as a 'dominant species' to that of a 'participant
species' in a complex ecosystem. We need to tell the story of where we come
from, our purpose for being here and how we shall survive and thrive in
this fragile environment. Without this new history of who we are,
civilization will slowly collapse. Indeed, we are now in a period of
decline, which is why we need a  *narrative about the self-sufficient use
of the resources common to all people*. This story is just as vital for the
nourishment of the human race as our air, water, food and energy.

Sustainability involves more than our current availability or access to
resources. Given our growing economic and ecological deficits, humanity
must look far ahead to how people’s future needs will be met. We have
barely recognized that our shared commons cannot belong to one generation
more than another, or how the mounting costs of our damage to Earth will be
paid by those who were not responsible for this destruction. In this
conclusion to *Principles of Local Economic Democracy*, we learn that the
first five stages of sustainable economies will be aligned only when people
become self-sufficient.

*The world is self-ordering through natural evolution, which means that
people co-evolve with nature*. Unlike the self-regulating cycles in the
human body and the natural world, however, *the economic formula of supply
and demand is mistaken for a self-evolving principle.* Little wonder the
world seems so disjointed. Our 'self-organizing' free market is a crude
approximation of a dynamically balanced ecosystem because supply does not
account for the planetary limits of non-renewable resources and demand does
not represent real human needs. The old story*, ‘supply creates its own
demand’*, which favors the market value of resources over the basic needs
of our population, has driven humanity to deplete Earth's natural resources
and generate massive social and ecological debt. Our next story, *‘need
measured is need met’*, must focus on how effectively the resources
available within an ecosystem are distributed to those who need them,
creating resource self-reliance (or self-sufficiency) within every
eco-region on the planet.

*Because human beings co-evolve with the natural world, our communities
must be self-governing*. Self-governance applies at all levels of human
life, from family, neighborhood and community to district, nation and
planet. We are focusing on a unit of self-reliance which underlies and
links all of these: the *bioregion*, where natural regeneration and
restoration occur. This requires a belief system that is based on the
necessity of sustaining life on the planet. Within every bioregional unit,
this new socio-economic, ecological and cultural planning must be
based on *carrying
capacity* and *distributed value*. (Carrying capacity is the potential
level of resources which an ecology can sustain to meet the needs of its
population. Distributed value is the actual percentage of the population in
a region whose needs are effectively met by the goods produced and
distributed there.)

Democracy is the only form of government that can create ecological
sustainability because it is based on a succession of power across
generations of elected leaders, making political cooperation sustainable
through agreement. In modern democracies, however, a top-down system of
authority has resisted human co-evolution with nature and ignored the
possibilities of self-sufficiency through social cooperation. This is why
we must work with elected officials who control our access and use of
resources. If we don't do this, these politicians will continue to expand
the market consumption and waste of necessities like food, water and
energy. We must show our leaders why* it is not necessary to exploit the
natural resources of others outside our region when we can sustain our
population through community management of the resources in the place where
we live.*
In this era of climate emergency, pandemic and recession, self-governance
means prioritizing human life and well-being through agreements to conserve
our non-renewable resources and generate more renewable resources. This is
why* representative democracy* is not enough: *participatory democracy* is
also part of our social responsibility. We must influence our elected
representatives to *shift decision-making power from corporate managers and
shareholders to community stakeholders*, including workers, customers,
suppliers, neighbors and the public. Local groups must take an active role
in decisions to pool their resources through a mutual system of public
services, modeling the planning and policies of their political districts
after the ecosystems in which they are situated.

This decentralized approach requires a collective change of heart and mind.
It also requires *a structural change in the financial value that is added
at each stage of our economic process *through the extraction, production,
distribution, consumption, waste and recycling of our resources. *By taxing
the value that we take from an ecosystem — rather than the value added —
society will create a self-ordering, self-reliant economy through its own
self-governance. *How? First, our common resources must be owned and
managed by *community or regional trusts* that are directly accountable to
the public. Second, political decisions on the sustainability and
provisioning of each resource will be made by these trusts, which have the
authority to *lease some of the rights for these commons to small
businesses*. Third, *each business profits from the production of the
resource and pays a tax to government*, which is recirculated to citizens as*
credits, dividends or subsistence income*. Finally, the trust spends its
leasing income on the *maintenance of sustainable commons *and the*
replenishment of depleted** commons*.

Changing our economies from *value-added *to* value-replenished* will
generate self-sufficiency for the people in every bioregion*. *Each
ecodistrict will take a constant inventory of its resources and production
and match these assets with the distribution required to meet the basic
needs of its population*. *Yet this strategic cooperation for
self-sufficiency becomes *sustainable* only when this practice extends
across time and into the future. Thus, the goal of democratic
self-governance for our commons is to meet the needs of all people in the
present while making Earth habitable for future generations. *A plan for
self-sufficiency today is the next step in honoring the rights of citizens

*Sustainable economics is the most advanced stage of human society because
it brings all the earlier stages together into a systemic, evolutionary
unity.* Sustainability presupposes that human beings are balancing freedom
and equality through cooperation and that these fundamental forces are
supported by cultural development. It assumes that we have been educated
with knowledge, expertise and solutions involving our common resources and
are applying technology to meet everyone’s needs. A sustainable economy
also requires the development of resource self-sufficiency for its
population through self-governance. But sustainable economics is more than
the sum of these cardinal principles.

By embracing the idea that value flows from prices in the marketplace, we
have forgotten that value arises simply through our minds. In fact, this
was the historical meaning of *use value* — how human beings evaluate the
materials that sustain us, regardless of their cost. But use value led to
exchange value, and this led to a system in which the economic power of the
State allocated resources through its sovereign authority. Then capitalism
captured this power and privatized the State’s system of finance and debt.
Now, under the yoke of institutions and rules that favor individual over
collective value, consumers are rapidly depleting Earth’s resources and
making little effort to sustain their lives.

We can develop a sustainable economy by realizing that money possesses no
real energy. Since money has no power in itself, it might as easily become
a public resource for a socially just and ecologically sustainable economy.
Imagine, if government debt were eliminated and money were revalued through
the democratically-determined objectives of equality and sustainability,
there would be no need for banks. Interest and debt would end. Stock and
financial speculation would also come to a halt. Yet none of this would
eliminate the principles of use value and exchange value — it would align
them with the cooperative distribution of the resources necessary for
people living today. And in meeting the needs of everyone in the present,
we lay the foundations for a sustainable future.
How could society organize itself in the same way as the natural world?
This is more than just connecting resources with the people who need them
today. It also means ensuring the evolution of human beings by giving
everyone access to the wealth that is needed to sustain life for succeeding
generations. This is why *purchasing capacity* — the amount of goods and
services that we can purchase with a unit of currency — is needed to ensure
the long-term vitality of human beings. Purchasing capacity not only
affords us with fair wages or social credits to obtain essential products
that meet our needs and spur our personal creativity and growth. *By
measuring the value of maintaining human life from generation to
generation, purchasing capacity will steer all societies toward

The free market struggles to find a balance between supply and demand
through the prices that are charged for products and services in the
present time; it does not even try to predict the conditions of supply and
demand that may affect people in the distant future. Yet an accurate
measure of purchasing capacity is not possible without democratic
self-governance to ensure the long-term equilibrium between available
resources and social well-being in both the present and the future. *When
democratic communities decide to protect a percentage of their
non-renewable resources as reserves, they will ensure an adequate supply of
these resources to address the needs of future generations. In turn, these
reserve assets will become the basis for a self-adjusting standard of value
and a means of calculating purchasing capacity value in the present,
indicating how wealth may be optimally distributed in society, both now and
progressively into the future*.

By guaranteeing the rate at which the value of our income is adjusted to
meet our basic needs, in line with the replenishment of our resources, we
integrate the fulfillment of everyone’s needs now with the ecological
conservation and regeneration necessary to meet these needs centuries from
now. This is the culmination of our principles of local economic
democracy. *Purchasing
capacity is the beating heart of economics, leveraging the evolutionary
forces that converge between the individual self and the collective whole
of society and nature across time*. By balancing the material supply and
demand of people today with the material supply and demand of people in
future years, purchasing capacity value will enable all societies to plan
ahead for the sustenance of the human species.


*EDA has two positions open to our members for application:* Director of
Communications and Director of Development. Details of these jobs are
posted on EDA's Active Members site in Loomo.

These are appointed positions. To apply for one of these openings, please
send a brief letter of interest and a resume or CV to James at
jbquilligan3 at charter.net
<jbquilligan3 at charter.net?subject=EDA%20Newsletter%20Inquiry-on%20positions%20available>

Cooperation takes place when individuals work together as a group. Please
join us.

EDA is excited to announce Tracy Edmonds as our new Director of Information

No one is more qualified for this position than Tracy. In 1988, he earned a
BSEE in Electrical and Computing Engineering from University of South
Carolina. From 1994-2005 he worked at Oracle Corporation, Dolphin
Interconnect Solutions, Troika Networks and Topspin Communications. For the
past fifteen years, Tracy has worked at Cisco Systems, where he is now
Director of Software Engineering.

EDA has worked closely with Tracy for the past three-and-a-half years in
several capacities and we are now making this a formal relationship. He has
been helping to redevelop EDA's membership database and to build our new
website-in-progress. We couldn't be happier that Tracy is sharing his vast
expertise with EDA. Welcome, Tracy!

The EDA Board of Trustees is delighted to announce the appointments of
Chloe and Deirdre Brown as Co-Chairs of the Education Team.

Chloe is presently an undergraduate at Virginia Commonwealth University,
majoring in Psychology and minoring in Religious Studies. She intends to
pursue an MA in Art Therapy and Counseling to help young refugees with
PTSD. Chloe has trained in advocacy work with the Friends Committee on
National Legislation and has significant experience in community service
and fundraising.

Deirdre, Chloe's mom, completed her BS and Residency Program in 2019 at Bon
Secours, St Mary's Hospital Memorial College of Nursing in Richmond,
Virginia. Deirdre is presently working on an MS in Nursing at George
Washington University. She is skilled in managing behavioral health in
acute and non-acute environments.

We are so pleased that this spirited and seasoned team will be hosting
educational seminars, organizing Education Team meetings and supporting the
EDA planning team. Welcome to EDA, Chloe and Dee Dee!


*Our Election Board is holding elections for Treasurer, August 3 - 9*.
Information about the candidates, their backgrounds and experience with
EDA, is available under *RATIFICATIONS 2020/August *on our Active Members
page in Loomio. Procedures for voting will also be available soon. The
results of the election will be announced on August 10.

*Ratifications for the Advocacy Team Chair and the Education Team Co-Chairs
will be held August 24 - 30.* For the first time, these ratification will
take place in the polling section of EDA's Loomio site. Background
information -- including Jacelyn Eckman's job performance as Advocacy Team
Chair and Choe and Deirdre Brown's resumes for Education Team Co-Chairs --
can be found on the EDA Active Members section in Loomio. Instructions
about the ratification process will be available in mid-August.

Reminder: an election involves voting a candidate into an EDA
administrative position. A ratification involves confirming an appointee as
a Chair in the EDA Action Council (Research, Education and Advocacy) or
confirming a proposal from the Board of Trustees as formal EDA policy.

To maintain your voting/ratification privilege, you must have taken part in
one of the last two consecutive elections and/or ratifications and your EDA
membership should be current. Our process as a democratic cooperative
cannot work optimally unless everyone engages in the process. This is why
all Active Members are asked to vote in elections and take part in
ratifications. *Participation in group decision-making is the core of


*The EDA Cooperative Charter was drafted between June 2017 and June 2018
with input from sixty-five people. *Our Drafting Team sought to create a
balance between the individual selves and the collective whole of the
organization. As the Charter's Preface states: *We recognize that social
enterprises can become top-heavy for the sake of efficiency, or
bottom-heavy in the interest of fairness. To develop a working balance
between our leadership and members, we think this must include top-down and
bottom-up checks and balances, with built-in incentives for both*. Below
are some of the ways we have tried to establish this important equilibrium
between the *individual *and *collective *rights and responsibilities of
our Governing Circle, its staff and administrators.

   - The EDA Board of Trustees is a union of two different groups: the
   Executive Committee, which oversees the collective legal, financial and
   administrative functions of EDA; and the At-Large Trustees, who represent
   the individual interests of the Governing Circle of Active Members.
   - The Managing Director maintains the collective business of the
   organization through the Action Council and Operations Department, while
   the Board of Trustees focuses largely on the procedures for individual EDA
   members, such as non-profit responsibilities, policies, memberships,
   elections and ratifications.
   - The Action Council creates EDA's collective programs in research,
   education and advocacy, while Operations is focused on the individual tasks
   necessary to support these programs.
   - In the collective interest of the organization for holding free and
   fair elections, the Board of Trustees appoints an Election Board to ensure
   the individual rights of EDA members to run for office, vote for candidates
   and ratify policies and appointments.
   - EDA's elections require a quorum of 60% of the collective Governing
   Circle to vote, and through this voting 50% + 1 of our individual members
   decide the election or ratification.
   - The Board of Trustees has the right to propose individual appointees
   and individual policies to the Governing Circle for their confirmation,
   while the Governing Circle has the right to initiate a collective
   referendum for a new policy to the Board of Trustees for its approval.
   - The Mediation Body represents the individual rights of members of the
   Governing Circle which may be unrepresented or overlooked in the collective
   policies, procedures or management of the organization.

These are a few examples of how we use systemic checks and balances in our
work. As the document concludes: *The Cooperative Charter of Economic
Democracy Advocates is our foundation for agreement, based in free, equal
and cooperative human relationships and balanced between personal and
collective needs.* Through this practice of organizational equilibrium, EDA
hopes to bring our cooperative spirit into the world.

Our Fourth Annual Conference, *From Crisis to Cooperation*, will be held on
Saturday, November 7. Please join us for this four-hour conference, which
will include presentations from EDA's Research, Education and Advocacy
teams, our President and Managing Director and notable guest speakers.

What is behind this theme of 'crisis and cooperation'?

Each one of us can probably define *crisis* better than we can *cooperation*.
This is because our society is prone to creating crises while discouraging
the cooperation to prevent them. We seem to provide mutual aid only after a
major crisis has taken place. Nor do we have many rules or institutional
frameworks for cooperation because volunteering for group work is simply
not a valued part of our society. EDA's conference will examine these
problems and how to develop strategies and policies for reversing them.

We are looking for volunteers to help produce this program. This includes
everything from advertising and registration to Zoom facilitation. We would
also like to know if you have creative ideas for presentations.

If you are interested in joining our conference planning team, please
contact Managing Director James Quilligan at jbquilligan3 at charter.net
<jbquilligan3 at charter.net?subject=EDA%20Newsletter%20Inquiry-4th%20annual%20conference>

EDA Managing Director James Quilligan will make a keynote presentation at
the 7th International r3.0 Conference on September 8. His theme is carrying
capacity and distributed value and their role in creating economic
democracy. This will be James' third talk to this distinguished group of
planners and activists, which is being held online for the first time this
year. On September 11, he will also serve as a Provocateur for a Breakout
Session of this virtual gathering, entitled *Shifting to Economies as


What the 1% Don't Want You to Know
Economist Paul Krugman explains how the United States is becoming an
oligarchy -- the very system our founders revolted against.

Efficiency Vs. Resilience
Today's multi-faceted crises are pulling back the curtain on unfettered
capitalism, revealing that we are all interconnected.

Organizing Complexity: The Path to Ownership Through Worker Cooperatives
If you’re new to the concept of worker cooperatives, this article might
surprise you. It explores the problems with the modern workplace, the
nature of cooperatives, their benefits, how they work and why we don’t see
more of them in society at present.

Recipe for Action
Listen to experts Danielle Nierenberg (President of Food Tank), Saru
Jayaraman (President of One Fair Wage) and Melissa Desa (Director of
Working Food) explain the failures of our global food system. Hear why the
largest segment of working America has been left without food and economic
safety nets. Learn inspiring ideas for improving food security in our own

*ReConnect with EDA *

10-Week Seminar
*Civics of Resource Democracy*

August 7 - October 9

*Fridays, 4:00 PM PDT/ 5:00 PM MDT/ 7:00 PM EDT (US & Canada)*

*Continuing our Friday tradition of gathering*, Active Members and
non-members are invited to meet for the educational seminar, *Civics of
Resource Democracy*.

Each week, Chloe Brown, Dee Dee Brown, Roar Bjonnes and James Quilligan
will present a new topic on our daily responsibilities for making economic
democracy work. This will include group discussion. Each subject builds on
the previous one, so we encourage you to attend them all.

These free weekly presentations are a great way to further your
understanding of economic democracy and provide a place for you to ask
questions and share ideas. Meetings are open to the public. Friends and
family are welcome, too!

*Minimal background reading* is required for each session*.* Please do the
reading. Each week's homework will be posted on Re*Connect* with EDA (in
Active Members on Loomio) on the *Saturday before each seminar*, beginning
Aug 1. You also can post comments or questions on this page.

*Zoom call information* is available there and also below:


Right now our attention is captured by the Corona epidemic, the economic
slow-down, the racial inequalities that plague our country. We have a lot
on our plates, but we also need to keep our attention on the long-term and
present problems of climate change and economic inequality. We need
systematic change and EDA addresses ways to proceed in pragmatic and
break-through ways. I'm learning so much from EDA seminars!

*Lorraine Wilson Niles*
Occupational Therapist OTR
Pleasanton, CA

I like EDA because of their emphasis on community and what a community is
capable of achieving when they come together. EDA emphasizes redistributing
power locally to give communities agency to be a part of the
decision-making processes that affect them directly. Not only that, EDA
also gives individuals the tools they need to be active participants in
these processes.

*Taryn Wolfsohn*
BS in Foreign Service
Georgetown University


We deeply appreciate your donations, especially those of you who help us on
a monthly basis. Now we have a specific *ASK* which is urgent.

*EDA and EDA Foundation need your financial support to build a new website.*

*Our goal is to raise $10,000 for this project. *Will you help us, please?

You know us. We have come a very long way together. Now we have outgrown
our website at a time when we must progress rapidly. We must launch a new
website in November for the education of the public and our members.

EDA's supporters and friends know how important this work is. We've put
together an expert team to create a new public face for EDA. And we can't
wait to share it with you!

*But we need your financial support to finish this exciting project. *Can
you donate at this time?

*All contributions for the new website are tax-deductible. Please send your
donation to* *EDA Foundation*



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