[P2P-F] Fwd: invitation
Michel Bauwens
michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 12:36:54 CEST 2020
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From: maria lucia cruz correia <mluciacruzcorreia at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 5:30 PM
Subject: invitation
To: <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
This summer, you are warmly invited to the third edition of *Common Dreams:
Flotation school, *in collaboration with the students of HEAD – Genève*: Aylin
Balikci, Lucie Cellier, Zoé Gronchi, Laura Laigo, Abigaël Mackenzie,
Morgane Roduit and Clara Rouge.*
A co-production of *far° festival des arts vivants Nyon*
and *HEAD – Genève *
When? 15/08 - 19/08/2020
The title of this year is *Common Dreams: **Moving Away Together *
For this edition during *far° Nyon, * we will propose a nomadic school,
which will take place in a forest and with side activities on the Lake
Léman. As a response to covid 19 and as a gesture of care, the school will
be focusing on the matters of the heart, it will tender your senses with
activities involving singing, eating, snorkeling, listening, contemplating,
playing climate card game, reading tarot, activating, rebelling and
Check the all activities and guests per day here
*How our common dreams grew the last six months?*
Donna Haraway and Bruno Latour are referring to the need of a “*Terrestrial
Political Education*”, to rethink education, as an attempt to have a
geo politically
engaged approach as a form to activate and inspire climate
justice, terrestrial survival and kinship. Should we then give agency to
the future generations and start learning from them? Perhaps this is a more
respectful way towards the world we live in today and towards our common
In February 2020, right before the lock down, we gathered for the first
time in HEAD – Genève to share our common dreams on the future.
The first phase of this collaboration was a process to unfold the notions
of survival in floating raft-school which would eventually take place on
the lake Léman. Commonly we came to the conclusion that some of the
essential values to live in a confined space with a small group of people
are: respect – kindness – non violence – attempt to love everyone (at least
accept people) – express feelings at all times – compassion – patience –
telling the truth (when it doesn’t hurt :) ) – be good to everyone (the
most you can) – more tolerance – and establish moving-changing rules
(always think twice). A kind of knowledge we gained during lock down.
The workshop’s structure is designed in alignment with the four elements
and its guests:
*WATER:* the *Lake Léman*, an ecosystem hosting a biodiversity of aquatic
*AIR:* *Pierre Kunz*, responsible for air quality quality control at Geneva
Air, Noise and Non-Ionizing Radiation Service.
*EARTH:* *Paola Tosolini*, prof. of architecture and sustainable materials
*FIRE:* *Mathilde Captyn*, member of the party’s Les Verts comity and in
charge of the campaign for *The Initiative pour les glaciers
And *Hannah Entwisle Chapuisat*, co-founder of* Displacement journeys
*, a project stimulating artistic responses to climate change.
This was a promising setting where we work around six main topics:
awareness of the affecting terrestrial antropocene and the modes of
survival and coexistence with natural habitats.
We’ve imagined a raft where you could simply be as way “to float, to be
carried by the current, to create a situation that makes it clear that we
do not have control, but that we must learn to observe, understand and deal
with what we have. Cooperate, share resources and skills. Not a fight
against (the elements, the others...), but a dance with…”*
* interview with Katrin Kettenacker from HEAD- Geneve here
Due to COVID-19 pandemic a floating school on the lake will not be build
but still we can share how it was imagined:
More info on the Common Dreams:flotation school here
*Common Dreams:flotation School*, is an ongoing autonomous climate school,
taking different formats in response to the city and collaboration
established with the partners. Providing workshops on survival,
sustainability, climate adaptation, climate grief and loss of landscapes.
First edition (2017-18) Co-produced by Kunstencentrum Vooruit, City of
Gent, Kask School of Arts, MEDS Network- "urban haven", Gent
Second edition (2019) Co- produced by Contour Biennale 9, "Coltan as
Cotton”, Straathoekwerk Mechelen and Piraten van de Dijle, Mechelen
Third edition (2020-21) Co-produced by far° festival des arts vivants Nyon
and HEAD – Genève / production HIROS
Fourth edition (2020-21) Co-produced by CIFAS
Brussels / production Wpzimmer
Fifth edition (2021-22) Co-produced by Dream City
Tunisia / production Wpzimmer
Find Out More <#m_2114375162467083703_>
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*Copyright © *Common dreams:flotation school*, All rights reserved.*
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