[P2P-F] Marx at 200: tripleC special issue on Marx's bicentenary - Marx @ 200: Debating Capitalism & Perspectives for the Future of Radical Theory

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at uti.at
Fri May 4 15:59:13 CEST 2018

Fuchs, Christian and Lara Monticelli, eds. 2018. Marx @ 200: Debating 
Capitalism & Perspectives for the Future of Radical Theory. tripleC: 
Communication, Capitalism & Critique 16 (2): 406-741.


May 5 is Marx's bicentenary. The journal tripleC celebrates this event 
with a special issue comprised of 30 articles on 350 pages that show the 
urgent need for Marxian critique today.

The special issue features a debate between David Harvey & Michael 
Hardt/Toni Negri on the relevance of Marx today, contributions by Silvia 
Federici, Slavoj Žižek, Erik Olin Wright, and many more; the first 
English translation of a text by Rosa Luxemburg on Karl Marx, a review 
of Sven-Eric Liedman's new Marx-biography, etc.

Topics include e.g. Marx in the context of universal alienation, formal 
and real subsumption, praxis, primitive accumulation, feminism, radical 
change, post-capitalism/alternatives to capitalism, communication, the 
working class, social reproduction, ecology, social movements, 
religion/liberation theology, the lumpenproletariat, the law and the 
state, anthropology, revolution, ideology, reification, sexuality, 
culture, nationalism, new racism, imperialism, neoliberalism, global 
capitalism, humanism, etc.

With contributions by David Harvey, Michael Hardt/Toni Negri, Christian 
Fuchs, Silvia Federici, Slavoj Žižek, Erik Olin Wright, Lara 
Monticelli, Friederike Beier, Wayne Hope, Todd Wolfson & Peter Funke, 
Joss Hands, Peter McLaren & Petar Jandrić, Ingo Schmidt, Bahar Kayıhan, 
Joff P.N. Bradley & Alex Taek-Gwang Lee, Paul O'Connell, Chihab El 
Khachab, Franklin Dmitryev & Eugene Gogol, Bryant William Sculos, Leila 
Salim Leal, Paul Reynolds, Ben Whitham, Rosa Luxemburg.

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