[P2P-F] Fwd: Commercial Trade Exchange Architecture and Operations

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Fri Aug 17 09:00:56 CEST 2018

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Thomas H. Greco, Jr. <thg at mindspring.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 8:58 PM
Subject: Commercial Trade Exchange Architecture and Operations
To: <michel at p2pfoundation.net>

A Conversation with Chip Davis and Charlie Davis of the Moxey trade network

This newsletter edition contains a single item, one of great importance to
the emerging process of direct credit clearing as an adjunct to
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*Commercial Trade Exchange Architecture and Operations—A Conversation with
Chip Davis and Charlie Davis*

*Thomas H. Greco, Jr.*

Recently, I came across an article about what seems to be a significant
development in the commercial trade exchange industry. Published on
February 15, 2018, the article, *TradeAuthority rebrands as Moxey with new
digital currency, national expansion plans*
tells about the expansion and rebranding of a commercial trade exchange
heretofore known as *TradeAuthority.* Operating for the past several years
in the Gulf Coast region of the southern United States, TradeAuthority has
developed along lines somewhat different from most other trade exchange
companies. I’ve had some peripheral knowledge of TradeAuthority for a long
time but after reading the article I decided it was time for me to reach
out to its founder, Chip Davis, with the intention of gaining a more
detailed picture of how they operate and their plans for further
development and expansion. The company, now named Moxey
is a network of 14 autonomous member-owned local trade exchanges, member
ownership being a unique feature in the commercial trade exchange industry.

The key players in the Moxey enterprise are Chip Davis, founder of
TradeAuthority and current  Executive Vice President of Moxey, Charlie
Davis, President of Moxey
and Warren Sager, Moxey Vice President of Operations.

*Some Key Questions*

In my message to Chip Davis, I posed the following questions:

   - What degree of autonomy do the various (14) exchanges in your network

   - Is it possible for a member in one exchange to buy/sell directly with
   a member of another exchange in the network? Does your platform provide
   that functionality or does the trade need to be pre-arranged with brokers
   in the two exchanges?

   - Is there a single Moxey ledger for the entire network or does each
   exchange have its own? If the latter, how are accounts reconciled among the
   exchanges, and how often?

   - Do you participate in UC? [UC is “Universal Currency,” a credit
   currency that many trade exchanges use to enable their members to buy goods
   and services from members of different trade exchanges.]

   - What are the factors you use to allocate lines of credit? How are they
   weighted? Are all exchanges in the network required to apply the same
   algorithm in allocating credit lines to their members?

   - You say, “Moxey intends to be a better Medium of Exchange by removing
   the concern of inflation.” How does it do that?

   - Is you online portal a complete marketplace that includes offers and
   requests? Vendor and client background? Reputation ratings?

   - When using the app or online portal, is approval of the transaction

   - You also say, “It also removes the extreme deflationary dangers that
   can exist in a purer form of money such as gold.” Can you explain that?

   - What additional functionality will be achieved by using blockchain?
   “The major thing behind all currencies is a trust and transparency in
   knowing the currency is strong and blockchain technology will allow an
   additional level of transparency,” says Warren Sager, Moxey vice president
   of operations. “It will allow our currency to become stronger and more
   trustworthy.” But that does not address the transparency of the credit
   allocation process. Please comment.

   - The trade exchange industry seems to have been for some time on a
   plateau or slow growth trajectory. How do you see moneyless trading
   alternatives evolving over the next few years, and how much of an increase
   in scale do you anticipate?

You can read Chip’s and Charlie’s answers, and our full conversation by
clicking here
– t.h.g.
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